
he shook my hand and exchanged basic pleasantries like ‘I hope your mom doesn’t die’

“it seems like they feel there is no need to publicly litigate a matter that a) they feel they are not qualified to litigate”

I’m amazed Manfred agreed to go into such a hostile environment, though this interview lays bare he is a massive tool.

I’m amazed Manfred agreed to go into such a hostile environment, though this interview lays bare he is a massive tool.

This right here is super disheartening. It has been the elephant in the room since before #metoo. I would have hoped that this current post-Magary’s “The Reckoning” iteration of Deadspin would have been the first to offer up their skeletons.

For the same reason Fox News isn’t running reports on Roger Ailes and Bill O’Reilly. Sexual assault/harassment is unfortunately a team sport now. Sides root for the other to get entangled in it and then go quiet when it happens on their side.

For my sons’ rec team, every year for the last practice before winter break I tell them if anyone can make a half court shot (one shot each) then we’ll be done with drills and just scrimmage for the last hour of practice. Last night after the first six kids missed, the most timid shooter on the team (not a bad shooter

[Furiously takes notes]

Good form.

This topic was debated ad nauseam in Chicago during his tenure, and the consensus was that Thibs expects everyone to be as insanely competitive as Kevin Garnett. If he could just assemble a starting five of late-prime KG’s, he’d never lose another game.

Don’t worry, he’s gonna release that evidence that totally clears his name any day now!!!

Do you work in offices that don’t have bathrooms? Because that’s where everybody in my office changes clothes. Bathrooms are made for that sort of thing, after all, and professional offices are not.

Was it “liberal BS” that forced Bill O’Reilly to lose his job and pay out $32 million in a sexual harassment settlement?

He retired from A Prairie Home Companion, but apparently he was doing some other boring show for clueless liberal white people.

“Bitcoins are better than currency. All you have to do is convert it to currency (that I’m scared will become worthless at some point) and you’re good to go.”

“If I had 10,000 BTC in a wallet, I could sell them right now on Kraken or Coinbase or Exmo for ~$99.87m in USD, extract my cash and dump it into a checking account and literally have $99.87m.”

If I had 10,000 Beanie Babies in a rubbermaid tub, I could sell them right now on eBay or Craigslist or a flea market for ~$100 in USD, extract my cash and dump it into a checking account and literally have $100. It’s not like my money is trapped in Beanie Babies or even in plush collectables.

Actually Bitcoin is 100% secure if its stored correctly. My Bitcoin is stored offline meaning no hacker could ever get to it.

You’re right. To hell with systems. As a Lions fan, the best example I can think of is Marty Mornhinweg when he showed up in 2001. Mornhinweg was hopelessly devoted to the West Coast Offense. He was rigid for the WCO. He also inherited Charlie Batch as his QB.

It makes no sense to me that in a sport where the quarterback has evolved into possibly the single most important skill position that every team does not try to maximize what that QB does well and minimize what he does not. Fuck systems. Your only system should be “What’s gonna win us games?” Taylor is a perfectly