
I agree. Even if it’s just to explain why they feel they can’t really talk about it... That might be weak tea, but maybe they have good reasons. Absent even that, it is pretty hard not to be cynical. Especially when they condemn other organizations for maintaining silence about incidents that involved their people.

I think it’s difficult to be a sports radio host, particularly for ESPN, without being at least a bit of a blowhard at times. Le Batard is about as good as there is under those conditions. I like him. And boy, it’s hard to imagine any other ESPN host taking it to the commissioner of a big 4 sports league like Le

Maybe it’s standard in the corporate world, but it seems like it’s some incredibly bad faith to have an investigation when there have been multiple settled complaints. I noticed it with the Weinstein Company as well. Presumably, these settlements were entered into and approved by team ownership/management. It all

Ah, yes, what every football playing man needs these days is a place to play where power is EVEN MORE concentrated into the hands of wealthy, old guys with a track record of neglecting employee safety and denying them basic workers’ rights.

As has been pointed out, he did work for their NBCSports affiliate, and the A’s have had a number of events and promotions involving him over the past few years. I don’t know why anyone would want analysis from Jose. He is profoundly dumb. Pat Jordan’s piece on him is still the best:

I was really pulling for Rigondeaux to win one for all us smokers out here.

Actually, I believe Mexico City has a rather mild climate due to its elevation and location. Aside from the smog, which I understand is getting better, it seems like a pretty nice place to live.

Man, I really, really wanted him to be a Giant. Just a catastrophic 12 months for the Giants.

I just think it’s a word that describes far more than the symptoms of CP, and is useful for describing certain types of movement, but I’m not trying to hurt anybody, so if it’s bad to use, I’ll avoid it.

But hes not talking about a person with cerebral palsy! Lots of people have spasms for different reasons. Immediately assuming it’s an insult towards someone with CP definitely seems like a reach.

LOL, Austin needs help?! Sure, yes, the fan thinks Austin is totally a centerpiece worth building around and not a nepotism failson whose very arrival has neatly correlated with the franchise’s backslide into hilarity. I absolutely believe that’s what the fan said.

Not to mention that Oladipo is having a career year, and Sabonis is having a nice second season. It’s early going, but the first 20 games of this season have certainly been the counterpoint to the argument for Westbrook’s MVP award. Also, Billy Donovan probably sucks

Oh that bombshell evidence of a liberal conspiracy is definitely coming, and by the way, did you know O’Reilly has children and this is hurtful for them? O’Reilly is too proud a guy to mention it, but you ought to think of his kids. That these stories are literally killing them is something he’d never point out,

Ah shit, I must have missed all the stories about guys being fired for smiling at women or telling them to, “Have a nice day.” That really is horrible. Here, I thought most of the guys getting in trouble had committed sexual assault or or had used their power to make their co-workers lives miserable by constantly

Oh, but of course it can and will be questioned. In fact, it’s happening right now in this thread. And if it was as innocuous as he claims, after a decades-long career of being a perfect gentleman, I’d be inclined to take the issue to court.

Yeah, and if it was truly as innocent as he describes, I could see making a quick, verbal apology. The fact that he felt he needed to follow up with a specific e-mail apology makes it seem like there was more to it.

Do you guys think Dwight Howard has ever gone down on a woman? Or does he think it’s nasty?

I feel like this criticism ought to be extended to Kye Shanahan as well. In an article published after they acquired Garappolo, there was an item about how, at the beginning of the year Shanahan joined the scouts to show video on the kinds of things he was looking for in terms of how to best operate his system.

Epke Udoh, for Warriors fans, will always be symbolic of the tail end of the bad old days. It’s probably been exaggerated into something of more importance than it had at the time, but the word was always that the Warriors drafted him (ahead of Paul George, Gordan Hayward, and Greg Monroe) because he wore a suit to

Is Rudy T the reason NBA fights ain’t shit? Or were they mostly not shit before that, and he was just on the wrong end of an insane exception?