
I have a bit of trouble processing that he was abusing patients with their parents IN THE ROOM, even if their view was obstructed by Nassar himself... Is it common for abusers to prey on their victims in such a brazen manner, with their parents there?

I hope he and his family are able to stay safe, here and in Turkey.

I like Crosby, and I think he’s a good story coming back from those major concussion issues. Sure, he’s frustrating when your team plays him, because he’s an all-time great player who is not playing for your team, but beyond that, I can’t understand some of the animosity.

Ah, but the gentleman’s father presumably enjoys golf. So it would be like working a party at Mar-a-lago if you somehow enjoyed watching the living embodiment of capitalism’s failure cavort with each other like a bunch of dipshits.

I’m talking about the writer apologizing for building his entire column around something that was factually incorrect. Whether the writer still thinks Bennett is immature or not is irrelevant, because he made an error in building his column around the incorrect fact that Bennett never apologized for making a dumbfuck

It’s an excellent piece. I was thinking that it must be incredibly difficult to get 53 grown men all on the same page for anything, let alone for something as significant as preferred management style. Personally, I’d love to work for a guy like Carroll, but I guess his shit wouldn’t appeal to a lot of people?

Let’s all just assume he hasn’t, and he’s basically hustling free tickets out of tournament officials.

Why the assumption that he was pushed to apologize? In this case, he was factually wrong about something he wrote, and he built a column questioning a man’s character based on his factual error. Seems like the right and honorabe thing to do is apologize in that case.

First of all, I like Lonzo as a prospect very much. Great all-around game (offensively, at least, don’t know about his defense), and incredible size for a PG. He’ll do well wherever he goes.

If Boston thinks he’s the better prospect, they should draft him anyway, of course. Saying he won’t work out for Boston is Ball’s only real leverage here. Ultimately, he’ll play for who drafts him, Lakers or not. If I was Danny Ainge, I’d be trying to fill Magic’s head with all kinds of concern about teams loving Ball

Hmmm... That’s actually a good question. According to this article, the player is evaluated by both a team doc, and an unaffiliated consultant. Does that mean BOTH examine the player? Or does the consultant just hang around and make sure everything looks like it’s being done by rule? And what happens in the consultant

I love Bruce Bochy. When the Giants first hired him, I thought he was an oaf. The way he talks didn’t help. Boy, was I wrong. He’s a great manager. I’m trying to think if this is the first Giants team he’s managed that has under-achieved? Maybe 2013?

I have the same question about Kelly Olynyk. What exactly does he do to justify his playing time? He seems like a decent shooter for a big guy... Is that it?

Counter-point: The quality of play among MLB and the NBA is higher than It’s been in my lifetime. I’m 34. The NBA has finally found a balance between the offensive-heavy 80s, and the overly physical, low scoring 90s (not going to mention the pitiful late 90s/early 00s). The best teams play an open-team friendly

I disagree with the premise that the playoffs are bad because the teams are bad. This is probably true for the East, but the West has many good teams, one great team (when healthy), and another all-time great team.

Two things: As has been pointed out, the NBA has always been a league of super teams. And while the playoffs this year have been bad, I’d say last season’s were outstanding, even though my team lost in Game 7. Multiple 7 gamers, multiple series comebacks. A surprise ending... It was good shit..

I never heard it while working at the local community college, though it might be different with younger kids. College age kids in general tend to be a lot cooler, but I was super impressed with how kind and tolerant and supportive they were of each other.

Off the top of my head, it seems like Ball might be the better fit than Fultz with IT (Ball’s size, passing), but would that mean IT at SG? I guess they could cross match on defense. I dunno. One of those good problems for Boston to have to solve.

What a season. Such an intensely fun and likable player. Long-term, he might be better as a trade chip for Boston, but he’s really become a wonderful success story, and I’m sure any fanbase would love to have him.

All the religious right folks who wrote in to defend President Grab ‘em by the Pussy’s honor don’t seem to realize nobody is ever going to let them play that pious bullshit ever again. They all cashed that check when they went all in for Trump.