
Yeah, this was my experience as well. It reflected a lot of insecurity on my part, and I’m sure it was that way for other boys too, though we’d never have admitted it. I am truly sorry for having used the word in the past.

Uh, yes. Yes I am.

Right, but if the player is good enough, you take him and hope the pre-draft bluster changes once he’s actually on the team. The Warriors went through the same thing with Steph Curry when their management was shit. And being perceived as being so crappy that a prospect would rather lose out on extra millions than play

No, it would certainly not make me feel better if you said you’d rather root for a 28 win team than a 48 win team that made the conference semis, in the hope that the 28 win team, at some unannounced later stage, may or may not be an even better team...

And yet he still ended up with Porzingis, who has been a better player than anyone Hinkie and the process ever produced.

I can’t imagine being the kind of fan who couldn’t take pleasure in the Celtics season, even if Cleveland beats them as expected. It seems that by your definition of fandom, you could not take pleasure in a season unless your team was the objective, best team in the NBA. Well, that or losing 60 games with hope of

I don’t recall Knicks fans hosting draft parties to honor the genius of Phil Jackson, though. Nah, this is a unique kind of showing your ass here.

Is this all tongue-in-cheek or are these guys really just the biggest marks of all time. I mean, come on... Nerlens Noel and Robert COVINGTON?! TJ Friggin’ MCCONNELL?! The man’s best draft pick has played in 31 out of a possible 246 games, right?

Maybe at first, but by the 4th quarter, the Warriors were resting their starters too!

But one of the issues last night was that he wasn’t taking as many shots as he needed to. Pop mentioned after the game that it was a situation where he needed to actually be their #1 option, but he was way too passive last night.

Derek Jeter is a first ballot HOFer with 5 rings, beloved by Yankees fans. That should be enough, right? I’ve never really seen the need for the constant mythmaking of the guy. The real stuff is impressive enough.

MLB made a simple calculation that the odds of a successful take out slide weren’t worth the risk of losing star players for long periods of time. And the traditionalists can crow all they want, but take out slides, along with homeplate collisions, are not really baseball plays. If they were a part of the game, it was

It’s obvious the new rules have made breaking up DPs obsolete, so players just need to stop doing it. Not that complicated.

Stephen A. Smith: Skip, how long have you and I been friends?

Good news, but these women are still horribly underpaid. Nice reminder that while Al Davis’ failson was running around talking about how wonderful the Raiders are for the economy, he couldn’t/can’t even be bothered to pay some of his most public employees a minimum wage.

Are the people outraged about this outraged over fishing in general? Otherwise, it seems a little weird to be upset about potentially humiliating a dead fish. I respect animal rights activists, particularly vegans who actually practice what they preach, but I’m a little confused here.

Really? As a Warriors fan, I laughed and laughed when he crapped his shorts 2 years ago. Then again, the Spurs have so many championships, and I’d never seen one for the Warriors at that point.

Woof.... The Giants start to the year has been brutal. Probably time to blow it up.

Interesting. I’d be curious to know what makes women’s basketball more popular in other countries, where women make more money, etc. I don’t think it’s an aversion to women’s sports in general here, as women’s tennis and the USWNT are more popular than the men’s alternative, right?

Ah, any time some ghouls want to perform some PR they think makes them look comfortable with diversity, and in touch with minorities, there are always some stooges willing to accommodate them. The Trump admin can always find some dupes for a photo op. Good on these students for not going along with this bullshit.