
Wait, how long is Pogba’s deal for? The agent gets 41m, and the player is only making 8.6m?

+1 It’s all true. I don’t think it would be hyperbole to say that losing him would be more damaging to the Warriors’ chances than any other player on the team.

Wait, an anonymous (of course) GM compared Kap to Rae Carruth? That’s fucking incredible.

In addition to being bigger and stronger than everyone else, Shaq was also a very, very skilled basketball player in a way Dwight’s never been. I don’t really have a point other than that even as a Lakers-hater, Shaq at his peak was a joy to watch. I’ve never felt that way about Dwight.

Oh, what the fuck, Penn State?!

I’ve been enjoying that the universal response seems to be, “LOL nah.” Who the hell wants to admit they’re wearing something called Big Baller Brand, anyway?

There’s this weird phenomenon, as a white man approaching middle age, where strangers or people I don’t really know will occasionally feel emboldened to say some gnarly, racist shit to me. Like, a “just between us whiteboys now that all the minorities are out of the room” kind of moment. Aside from always being upset

A gauloises and a coffee should really rank higher on the list, IMO.

I’m jumping on the bandwagon. There is always room in my heart for massive, hit-into-orbit, dingers. God, I wish he was on the Giants.

Is that how it’s supposed to be pronounced? I always heard it as VLAH-Dee, but basketball media has gotten a lot better at pronouncing foreign players’(sorry Bill Walton, I mean international players) names the past few years, so maybe I’ve been wrong all along?

Totally agree. That was part of why the late 90's/early 00's Kings were a lot of fun to watch. Vlade Divac, Chris Webber and Brad Miller were all excellent passing big guys. The Gasol brothers are both great passers. The Kerr Warriors seem to love to have those guys as well. Bogut was a great passer, and now David

Aside from all the issues with proving intent, maybe we are at the point where throwing a baseball at someone should be treated like someone swinging a bat. Machado has a point there. Nobody tolerates the idea of a player going Juan Marichal, but throwing a baseball at someone is considered part of the game? Maybe it

Amazing. As a side note, I love it when these announcers who are sort of generalists have to call a sport they’re clearly unfamilar with, and act like it’s totally within their realm of knowledge. Like Costas calling curling in the Olympics or something.

Once again, I’m impressed by how brave these women have been in coming forward.

The funniest part is that according to PER, this makes the Knicks better.

It all really comes down to Trubisky, right? I mean, the 49ers are laughing now (and they did very well), but Brian Hoyer is their starting QB, and there’s no guarantee they’ll be able to get a franchise QB next year. If Trubisky turns out to be very good, I don’t think it will matter so much that the process to get

I think it’s fair to allow a dude to vent after a disappointing end to a season, but at the same time, Dwight doesn’t seem to get that it’s not 2008 anymore. He still has plenty of value as a player, but teams are not going to orient their style around him anymore.

Right? For Goodell to equate marijuana policy with the league’s active denial of brain injury risks is offensive and comes across as really passive aggressive.

I think the important point here is that all the NFL has to do is literally stop punishing people for it coming up in their drug screens. It doesn’t require some massive new initiative or anything. Just treat it like they do alcohol. The league can even still make it nominally against the rules if it wants to be

Sorry, man. Nothing worse than a boss who gives you a clear instruction, and then expects you to know every possible exception or variable.