That this is not universally hated across the US makes me think our great country is on the downward slope as a society.
That this is not universally hated across the US makes me think our great country is on the downward slope as a society.
He was a good college football player.
but honestly, this man worked his dick off to get a spot.
You’re confusing criticism of the fawning discourse around Tebow with criticism of the man himself.
“What has he really done to draw so much ire besides be outwardly Christian?”
And take the spot of any one of thousands of recent high school and college players more deserving than he is. Don’t forget that in your little “poor Timmy, victim of mean old Deadspin” lamentation.
Why doesn’t Jesus eat M&Ms?
Norovirus loves boats also.
Only too late did Chad realize he’d slipped the roofie into the wrong glass of soda.
Say what you will, but that orangutan is a huge improvement in Indy. He surely wouldn’t trade a first for Trent Richardson.
A Mustang...being chased by a Wrangler....
Somebody better tell everyone it’s 8 oz cups. Does anybody drink 8 oz cups of coffee any more?
Where can I purchase these “Pothole Danger” signs?
You’d stand out there in the rain next to the pothole holding a “Danger: Pothole” sign?
huge pothole... right outside a tire shop hmmmm........ i have a feeling come the middle of the night the owner of said shop is gonna be out there with a pickaxe fixing his little moneymaker
“Grayson Murray, one of golf’s up-and-coming”
Uh, they’re on Twitter, making tweets. They aren’t the victim in a crime or the perpetrator of a crime, so why hide their identity if Twitter doesn’t?
One can only imagine the justification it took to retain her while getting rid of someone like Ed Werder.
Was really hoping Britt McHenry would get the axe today. Would’ve been a victory for vehicle impound employees everywhere.