
Does this really measure reliability though? There’s no mention of major repairs or engine/tranny replacements. Anything can run for 200k miles if you throw enough money at it. Well anything except a Fiat anyway.

There could be a fundraising effort to buy the property for Jalopnik, and turn it into an auto repair/restoration training resort. Mechanics from around the world could come by and wrench alongside Jalopnik writers.

Maybe it wasn’t a shove, but rather an attempt to Copperfield?

Fagan’s sisters played softball at Florida back in 2012, but they were both cut by Walton

99% sure he wouldn’t have done that to a dude.

What the dickens was that?

Subtle Twist

Did Fagin really attempt to snub Walton, or was it more of an artful dodge?

It seems a little bush league to not shake hands. But the coach should have just shook his head and moved on. No need to touch her. Douche.

I actually care about my car, so I already don’t use automated car washes. But thanks for the video.

This is why we need to be able to carry assault weapons - Childs would clearly have had the advantage with an AK-47.

You’ve gotta think that even Childs, from his hospital bed, would tend to agree that he’s untalented at safety.

If they had two guns each this wouldn’t have happened. - The NRA

That’s why you don’t take a gun to an “other guy has a gun too” fight.

That album is turning 25 this year. My goodness

Now playing

You dug a little deep, Chinooker, but I’ll pick up the low hanging fruit.

That was literally one of the best sports questions I have heard.

Having sat in a few of these post-game pressers, and watched a ton more, NOTHING is more insulting to the profession than the beat reporter who clearly already has decided exactly what their story is about and asks for a quote to fill the space they’ve allotted for one.

Of course his name is Chad..