
I had a nice looking 1971 Datsun 240Z and it ran great but it had this slight wobble at around 45-50 mph. So for a while I would just stay below or above that speed. I soon got tired of the wobble though and had a buddy of mine look at the suspension. He put a grease gun on the front and when the old, hard grease got

The Las Vegas Wind. Get it? The Wind Wind! Ha ha ha!

“Hey, in the blue, turn around!”

The Warriors made it sooooo easy to at least begrudgingly be happy for The Chosen One.

“It moved!”

Here in Florida we have the opposite problem, there is a perfectly good merge lare that goes unused as the driver completely stops to wait for a hole in the traffic, ugh.

A few years ago there was a crazy guy on my flight, talking to himself and up and out of his seat a lot making people nervous. It was Chris Rock. I’m not joking.

Congratulations TSA on successfully snatching my Leatherman that I accidentally left in my backpack. We're all safer now.

My buddy had a half-wolf and brought me into the yard to see her and tells me “don’t look her in the eyes, she might get mad”

The Dept. of Redunancy Department will immediately launch an investigation into the lost investigations.

About 1976 my father got a call about 1am, it was his good buddy’s wife hysterical, her husband had just been crushed to death under the car while working on it. My dad tried to calm her down while I stood by in shock. He eventually hung up the phone. After the funeral my dad never spoke of it again.

Not being facetious here, why shouldn’t a stadium have at least partial public funding? The team will use it only 10 to 14 days a year and an occasional Super Bowl. The city can get tax tevenue for all other days it is used?

Beware ghost Jeeps stalking you, in broad daylight no less!

OMG That dude got laid out. Fucking A I want to see him get up.

The first thing I noticed!

Can we stop with the starry-eyed reverence for fucking TED talks already? And Elon Musk is a ginormous paranoid (very smart) nut-job.

Because my first instinct is always “Oh shit! shots fired! let me see if I can get closer to video it!”

Perfect “Heads Up” tackle! He even “buzzed” his feet! If only someone would embed the wondrous video.

The ‘88 to ‘91 F-150 was a classic of this trend. Too rectangular IMO. The ‘92-’96 rounded the edges some, a better look.

Uhh, I believe since he’s passed he can’t be the “current Sixers assistant coach”.