Dude, your shorts look strange, unlike Jacque’s shorts that look cool. Maybe your shorts should be a little lower or maybe higher? Or maybe just stick to pants.
Dude, your shorts look strange, unlike Jacque’s shorts that look cool. Maybe your shorts should be a little lower or maybe higher? Or maybe just stick to pants.
Fuck Yelp. It’s better though as a business owner (I own a yoga school) to ignore the site altogether, none. The anonymous chickenshit cowards that leave nasty reviews are sad pathetic cowards.
Your car already has push-to-pass, just hit the AC off button and feel the surge as your engine is free of compressor drag!
How hard is it to proofread the headline?
What? No way! That is crazy! Sorry for the sarcasm I thought this was more of a common knowledge thing.
Obviously the wheels need to be more aerodynamic, I suggest less round and more slopey. I'm surprised nobody has thought of this., geez louis.
I put 233,000 on a SW2, the front-wheel drive and manual combo was pretty good.
Werner Herzog’s (insert any Herzog movie title) Remains One Of The Greatest And Strangest Ever Filmed. Fixed.
My ‘71 Mustang with a straight 6 and bald tires spun out nicely on a wet on-ramp....ahh memories...
IMO Blue cars are hideous. I have no idea what makes me hate it so much, I just do.
The shifter was still on the right! The van was indestructible, I owned it for almost three years and NEVER changed the oil or did any maintenance. Also, the ignition and door keyholes could be accessed with ANY Toyota key, I even used an uncut key blank for a while!
When I was stationed in Okinawa I had a Toyota Town Ace van with the trusty three-on-the-tree, AND right-hand-drive, took about a month to get accustomed to (like not making a right turn into oncoming traffic!) then it was super fun.
Uhh, ok, I guess but Jap brands, people, food, whatever is straight up demeaning. It just makes me think of my grandfather showung me the souvenirs he “got off a dead jap” in WWII (the big one)!
If you don't have a trusted mechanic, ask around and find one. Those quick-lube places are shit, especially for something other than an oil change.
Shaky hand-held videography is nausea-inducing. ugh.
The car that looks like a high-top sneaker!
OMG I have a headache just halfway through this, just park the goddammed car yourself already!
Too Short is the best!
“Peeling back the roast beef curtains” is still the worst I’ve ever heard.
I learned to drive in a ‘72 blue Bug, being unrestored did it still have that distinctively intoxicating volkswagen smell?