Skins Uno

America, America, This Is You!

Because nobody wants to see Kevin Spacey anymore. I know I don’t.

I feel like this is why Anna Faris left Mom too.

Well Lex is an actual genius and he is also not afraid to admit he’s bald 

You know things are bad when I feel like we'd be better off with Lex Luthor as our president.

“You’ll Believe A Man Can Lie!”

The last I heard from Dinesh D’Souza was when he was trying to convince everyone that Donald Trump is a cosmopolitan sophisticate because he pronounces “Thailand” like “thigh-land.” Man, that was a while back. Must have been a couple year—[checks Twitter]—couple of months ago.

*drops coffee mug*

Newman remains my favorite ever sitcom supporting character. This is a funny ad. I like that the (fictional)  messenger telling us to trust the post office routinely opens other people’s mail. Trump would say, “See—election fraud! I saw on TV a mailman open someone else’s mail, and you know they’re doing that with

Hope he stays low until after the election.

Sounds like someone’s kitchen renovation went way over budget. I’ll bet we see more celebs doing commercials until COVID stops fucking with productions.

Newman looks pregnant.

His experience points to him giving his all in every role. If you had an index of all his roles, you’d be hard pressed to find a bad performance; even in bad movies. He nailed it.

The following is a list of words I never want to hear on television again. Number one: bra. Number two: horny. Number three: family jewels

I suggest he plays “Girl, You Have No Faith In Medicine.”

Jack White replaces Morgan Wallen as SNL’s next musical guest

We'll be sure to inform him and Lorne.

I know it’s just, like, my opinion man, but I think this is a step up in the musical guest category.

that , that would work.

A Ford Prefect on a different wavelength than everyone else is a successful Ford Prefect.