Skins Uno

It’s all in the delivery. “I’m a terrible guesser. My wife asked me, ‘Guess what I’ll be for Halloween’ and I said ‘Drunk on rum?’”

Leave the dumpster display... best setting ever.

good morning, good afternoon, and gooooood night!

Okay but the one with the spray can is actually him, right? That’s the joke?

Supposedly that line was an ad-lib, and they had to re shoot the scene because the crew and part of the cast were all doubled over with laughter.

Ford himself said about that “Well, if anyone could have a kid at 12...”

“I should have mailed it to the Marx Brothers.”

I’m blocked by her on twitter; apparently she blocks everyone who replies to her. People have been sharing their “blocked by Kirstie Alley” screenshots as a badge of pride.

I think things went downhill after she married that plumber who looked like Tom Berenger.

Best case scenario, there’s a Cheers revival coming that no one’s mentioned, and she’s in a long-term method-acting prep period to reprise the role of Rebecca.

We keep telling to stop putting wigs on bags of flour and calling them your kids. It’s creeping everyone out. 

Enrico Colantoni & Wendy Malick will do that.

I still can’t believe that the sitcom anchored around David Spade managed to both funny and endearing.

How about $2.50 to get into Burger King U?

Just Shoot Me, now there's a good sitcom!

I think things went downhill after she married that plumber who looked like Tom Berenger.

TV Tropes 101 says to keep the story line running: 1. add a baby (check) and 2. have a previously thought-dead character come back (dead mom check).

I am also enjoying the Kevin/Madison relationship.

What, is he funny or something? 

Excuse me, and what is bad about all you wrote in there?