Skins Uno

She works in mysterious ways.

Just as well... Hooch is crazy.

Why not escalate? Surely, there are plenty of fresh squid for sale, just ready to be bought by them and whipped into one another’s faces.”

Oh there’s another one coming down the pike. What fun! What excruciating fun!!

Your kids don’t hold up particularly well?? Because they fancy Garfield?? Alright, then.

Shop ‘til you drop at the spooky boutique!

Hate that Parker!

Pleased to meet you! Please don’t murder me?

Yes - Austin, Texas.

Damnit, Chloe!

Safety Not Garanted. Save for that last scene, which could be ambiguous.

Back To The Future used practical effects. Zemekis has hordered hoverboards AND time travel.

Finally someone called one of The Pearsons out on their penchant for oversharing with strangers. Beth would only find that the whole Pearson brigade is “a lot.”

Keaton mentioned not to long ago that he’d be up to don the cowl again. Yes please!

Hey, here’s a thought, guy... What if you did nothing?

Frasier, himself, was a sad vigilante.


This really did happen, then. It wasn’t just my imagination.