Skins Uno

Chevy was invited to host a gala at Just For Laughs a couple years ago. A decidedly questionable choice, to be sure. The fest lured him to Montreal by promising a celebration in his honour. The show -his part, at least - predictably stank. The fucker sleptwalked his way through, commented on stage, “Why did you even

One COULD... but it’s so déclassé.

And peeed in it.

Hey, you know how hard it is to find gainful employment?! The junk food addict will just pay out their paycheck what they smack down.

Gary Sinese was on promoting some thriller, saying the movie “has you on the edge of your seat.” Conan retorted, “And that can be dangerous.” For the longest time afterwards, I thought that was one of the funniest things ever.

Three loins in the fountain

If this prevents Laurie Metcalf from getting an Oscar from the next Greta Gerwig production, so help me, nothing’s going to happen!

 He doesn’t have to try very hard.

Post-Trump presidency

She’s reanimating him??

Her appearance was likely taped and will appear Friday.

Mister Rogers gave Eddie Murphy his blessing for this. He understood the homage was coming from love.

Some job security. (Though the tomcatting of her co-star could have her recast anytime.)

That’s what attracts these ladies... Kevin’s huge dick (and wad of cash in his wallet (that which brushes against that aforementioned huge dick of his.)).

A mighty mighty good man, at that. (Mightier than Dabney Colman. That madman of the people.)

Literally my only question right now is who’s gonna ride your wild horses.

As I rule, no. But hey, choose your own adventure!

Turd Ferguson himself!!

Andy says bounce.

Cameo by Dan Cortez