Skins Uno

“Afternoon, everybody!”

That’s me!

Tell me why.

Point of odour. Lisa stinks.

As it should. The Casey Affleck Show makes for a righteous double feature.

Melissa Benoist is just the bees knees! An inspiration!

Simpsons forever! Kinja never!

Here we go! *fap fap fap fap fap fap*

Muppets in Montreal was just absolute magic! First time they did something of such magnitude, too. Crowd ranged from kids to seniors and everyone was enraptured by it all! Crowd saw the muppeteers (dressed in black) but didn't take away from the illusion - I say it was like these folks were just shadowing the Muppets.

Hey thanks, A.V. Club, for keeping us up-to-date on how this thing's getting made!

Yes, but what number is it on the call sheet?

The best movies of 1997… so far.

I had him, Marcus. I had him in my hand.

That soup is damn fine! Every time I'm in New York, I make my way to the counter.

What's its number on the call sheet?

Just Jack.

Calling it now: New season's a chapter in Roseanne Conner's book. Dan's still ultimately dead but Roseanne keeps writing as if he's still around, as a coping mechanism.

I've got a gut feeling demon's around here somewhere hahahahaha, after all isn't there a little demon in all of us? hahahaha… hahaha, in fact, you might even say we just ate demon, and he's in our stomachs… right now! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!… Wait, scratch that one.

Somebody save him!