Skins Uno

Chloe was my favorite character on Smallville. I would have loved for Allison Mack to play her on Supergirl. Well, maybe in 3-5 years I guess

+1 watchtower drama

Even though my aunt had MS, and indeed died due to it back in the early 90s, I keep on reading the title of the article as him being diagnosed with sclerosis multiple times. My brain really isn’t doing a top notch job today. 

Where his (spinal) column can bloom?

Me too.  I think the end with the check was meant to show that she called him.

I absolutely agree - I hate how this ended framed as if Beth was in the wrong, when all we’ve seen throughout the whole episode is how Randall (maybe unknowningly) manipulates Beth to get his way, and always has. I HATED how they made her into the bad guy.

I wish we saw a bit more of them in college cause I wanna know how they got from “don’t call me again” to “will you marry me”.

I would watch a Burton-Keaton sequel to Batman Returns that ignores all other Batman movies.

Disney taught a pride of lions how to act.

or at LEAST use him in flashbacks!

Silver Age Superman covers are a trip.

I would LOVE this. have James go through every incarnation from the comics. That’ll keep him busy!

“Equidistant”. So grown-up!

Make James a turtle Supergirl writers you cowards.

Is the Luthor Mansion equidistant from National City & Metropolis?

Red Daughter tasting her first Choco was everything.

Hey, Harry Shearer isn’t doing these voices under duress. The scripts have genuinely moved him ... TO A BIGGER HOUSE!

The Twin Theatres: Never Forget

Wait, isn't Andy a virgin?

I thought the torn veil was symbolic of her pregnancy (i.e., she's obviously not a virgin bride.)