Skins Uno

The X-Files Men

Legions of fans dressing up as Cosby at Comic-Con. Cosplayin'

Oh Cliff!

That "somebody" shouldn't have touched a hair on Stanley Hudson head, then.

Fallon's Hugh Grant moment: "What the hell were you thinking?"

When is Jay going to be on Conan? THAT'S what I want to know.

I really liked the one from Fallon's last season. They only used it that one year but I thought it was really alive, brought a certain electricity to the show. They only used it that one year because cast changes during the season messed up the rhythm and flow of the opening, I've read. I like this new opening…but

Petition for a Charles Miner superhero movie!

It's the fucking maze bro! You'll never get out of the maze!

Eliot Spitzer?

Singer wants to pretend a lot of things never happening, apparently.

Sock it to ME?!?!

I fap a sigh of relief.

I would imagine Lexi Belle has SOME standards…maybe her non-union Mexican equivalent would take part in that dreck. Lexi Belle being seen with Dustin Diamond could really ruin one's reputation.

The movie nor the stars EARNED that money.

Jessica Biel's really grown into her looks.

Phew! THAT was close! #no

"Do your GODDAMN JOB or GTFO!!" - your boss

The fuck does Dwayne Johnson know from music?!

May God have mercy on as all! (He doesn't. (Not even some of us.))