Skins Uno

Jim Carrey's to blame— OSCARS' REFERENCE—
Edwards is still to make movies, in fact, he's signed on for a good seven features to be produced within the next four years. A mere flesh wound, a minor technicality, as the studios see it. His death won't get in the way of his directorial duties. They'll just use

Independence Day twister
well, Big Love IS ending. Time to line up another series.

I tell ya, there's nothing- NOTHING- like eating a knob at night.

She's no Ruth Buzzi.

Come again??

Need a master of disguise private detective?? Look no furthur than…Gene Parmisan! (Or look a bit furthur, and look out for ICE.)

F.Y.I., Frat Guise, everybody knows that, even Seinfeld knows it. (I mean, this is the sort of thing he'd rip apart.)

I've been following Maron's career for the past 15 years, and it's nice to see him semi-stabe. It feels like the podcast acts as a sort of therapy for him. If you follow it chronologically, there appears to be real personal growth going on with him there. That one he did eulogizing Greg Giraldo and Robert Shimmel—

I had meatloaf for dinner last night… actually leftover meatloaf, from the 80s'. That shit'll stay nice and fresh if you bag it and freeze it. Advice that Meatloaf should'v heeded 20 years ago.

Like The Cosby Show, maybe?

I'm master of my fortress of solitude!

Everybody Loves RAVEN.
RAVEN Of A Certain Age.
Welcome to RAVENport.

You just wait and see. When Peter Jackson finally squeezes out all the grease from his hair, washes his hair and gets a haircut, he'll of a sudden have something against Robert Smith.

Ah yes, who could forget Doubt. And Kramer V. Kramer.

Darabont's BJ was better, or his script.

That's 'cause he is. At least in the footage i've seen.
First an audition for SNL, now he's feeling up Nathalie Portman's sweet ladies boobies. Next thing you know, Cookie Monster will be showing up in the next Von Trier ode to humanity picture.

She seems like a sure bet. Maybe SHE was just in a coma. I mean COME ON, we never did see a body.

That Steve Martin refund BULLSHIT reminds me of movie patrons becoming insensed at Greenberg, wanting their money back, believing that they were going to see another one of those goofy Focker fuckfests. I read that in atleast one theater, they put up advisories. Go in blind, motherfuckers! FUCK!!

Noah Baumbach made that attrocious Kicking and Screaming movie??! That Will Ferrel-Robert Duvall-Rachel Harris (why not) craptacular piece of shit? Oh Noah, tsk tsk tsk. Now I can see why Jennifer Jason Leigh is divorced you— you claimed to be a reputable indie auteur, but you were caught with your pants down.

Yeah. I really thought her and Robert Romanus were gonna make it. I heard rumblings about an A-B-O-R-T-I-O-N. I think that got in the way of things.