Skins Uno

I can act, everybody. I CAN ACT.
But the real question here is, Might television be ready for Tim Allen's return, especially after the none-to-graceful and satistifing conclusion of Home Improvement??

Jay Leno certainly seems to understand very little. As he's stated on the DVD commentary for his apperance on The Simpsons, he's still unsure wheather the show was making fun of him or not.

@madbeatnk— his name is Dan and he's REALLY into a possible third movie.

In your pants!
And here I was gunning for Craig Ferguson's robot sidekick, the awesome Geoff Peterson.

he plays it off, but from soundchecks from the tour, Viveno appears to have a pretty good report with Conan. Nowhere as good as Max- and I doubt the same type of report can be replicated with Jimmy, but there isn't icy cool silence between the two. Even so, Conan should feature Scott Healy more. Now he's no chatty

The same could be said for Conan.

And that is the precise reason that he must go. Intellect and Brillance have no place on late-night television.

I truly believe that the superlative title " King Of Late Night" is one that Middle America take dead seriously. Well, like in Canada, Leno's monarch should be abbolished.

Regarding the last line of the article:

C, for coffee, Jerry. C, for coffee.

Hooch, Hooch is crazy.

NBC corporate executive WHORES: " Keep cool, my baby."

Conan: " I've had it up to here [ raises hand over his massive lankey build] with you NBC fuck-face mother-fuckin' fuckers."

The Clash do seem apt. seeing as 1) Conan's a known fan AND 2) the police do appear to be on his back.

Rage, Coco, rage
You show'em Conesy, do not go gently into that good night.

T'is that cigarrette smoking man in the corner, dusked in a translucent night-blue shimmer.

T for trouble
"And the guy who passed on LOST was promoted instead of tossed.
And now the peacock's get it from both ends."

I haven't been this mad since Ed caught his wife in bed with *the* mailman.

Conan's Late Night bit "Pleasing the Affiliates": Bitterly ironic.