Skins Uno

@Hambone Renfro:

@ImBetterThanYou :

@ ortenzia

Wilson v. Wilson
How utterly dissapointed I was that this show was NOT about the post-mortem of Earl Hindman.

Amen to that!

Amen to that!

@ Murray, Present

To quote a line from one of Letterman's self-proclaimed favorite groups, Foo Fighters, "There goes my hero."

A taste of a couple of bright stars
Among the great and many well-known peps that's i've met, here's a rather hodgepodge breakdown of a few:

Nobody puts the big baby into a corner
Reunited at long last— Farley, Orbach, and THE SWAYZE

Tabloid Fodder
THERE, are you happy now TABLOIDS??

I'm new and this is off topic, but I don't know better…YET