
Even the fight BvS is based on—The Dark Knight Returns—specifically builds off of the characters’ decades of shared history. They know each other: they call each other Clark and Bruce in their fight. They’ve fought side by side together, they were friends. But they both also knew this was a long time coming. BvS is

Straight-up stalker behavior. It’s like they’re all too bamboozled by Michael’s face to see the red flags. Would’ve been interesting if Jane had talked to Petra about it before the boat date, since she’s more cynical/was way less close to Michael than the rest of the cast.

I was physically uncomfortable with Jason this episode. Pushy and demanding, and I was pretty sure something terrible was going to happen out on that lake. I can't remember the last time I wanted to crawl out of my skin like that while watching TV.

I think in my old age I’ve forgotten what teenagers look like. I would have guessed she’s 8 years old.

This can’t be the Bad Place.

I would like a Peggy Carter/Marion Ravenwood team-up.

Best part of Captain America, my favorite MCU movie, as the Red Skull is taking the tesseract at the beginning of the movie, he throws away the line, ‘...and Der Fuhrer digs for trinkets in the desert....’.

As good as this moment is, because of the recurring line, I would actually go with Steve throwing himself on the grenade. This scene shows his tenacity and willingness to fight the good fight - the grenade scene shows just how truly selfless he is. Plus you get the reactions from everyone around, including Tucci and

When my cousin’s ex passed away we went to help clean out her trailer and get her kids’ stuff together, and learned a bit about trailer park politics - a couple different people claiming that they’re the ones we should turn the trailer’s keys over to, all of them behaving pretty aggressively, and then yelling at my

When my grandmother had a bad fall and could no longer live in her house an hour away from family, my parents found her a mobile home that was a 2 minute drive from where they live. It was right on a beach and was beautifully kept. Because her house was completely paid off, she was able to pay cash for the place and

Now playing

From waking up in a neighbor’s bedroom after a king-hell bender to being the linchpin of a multi-billion dollar film franchise. Man, what a ride. I’ve been watching RDJ since the days of Weird Science and Back To School, and he’s always been a ton of fun. So glad he got his shit together and played such a vital role

It’s important to get it right. I don’t shoot guns or train in tactical engagement, but I do work in IT. When I watch an actor use a computer in a way that computers cannot be used, it’s like a big bright spotlight and I can’t unsee it. I imagine it is a similar feeling when real international assassins watch actors

It has been awhile since I last signed a credit card service agreement for a business but when I did this was an explicit violation of the contract. Anyone know if this has changed? 

Of course it’s not a coincidence that being anti-choice gets Republican voters to the polls. But when the mistresses of male Republican politicians get knocked up—abortions are good! I wish voters would understand the simple concept that Republicans don’t really care about the “life” they’re supposedly protecting and

If anti-abortion activists were as earnest as they claim, they’d support better sex education and more availability of free contraceptives (their hatred of Planned Parenthood is ironic when one of the goals when PP was founded was to decrease the amount of abortions that were being performed in the country).

That's 2 time Emmy nominee Leslie Jones for you bub

Did you even read this article or what she said? She wants a more diverse and inclusive pool of critics and to you that’s a “ Regressive Leftist attitude” in caps for some reason?

Unfortunately for the trolls, Captain Marvel is dedicated to a fallen airman, so hating the movie means they hate the troops. I don’t make the rules, I just enforce them.

I’m a big Civil War fan (I have it as the fourth-best MCU movie), and I think my favorite element is how much of a raw nerve Stark is throughout the movie. He’s exhausted and alone and pissed off, and when he talks to Captain America or any of the other Avengers he comes off as nothing so much as a frustrated parent

Civil War is a TOP3 Marvel film by doing two new things in the franchise. First, the movie becomes smaller at the end, not bigger: the big set pieces are at the beginning, and the last fight it’s just Iron Man and Cap punching each other. Second, the villain has pathos, and the great Daniel Brühl delivers a really