
I reserve the right to make up my own mind about this movie, regardless of online impressions. I still plan to go watch it as I have yet to be disappointed by a MCU film.

Pausing the movie to use the facilities is another one.

To blatantly steal someone’s point from another one of these threads: a large proportion of the judges’ viewing is done at home with free DVD screeners, far away from an “authentic” cinema experience.

“Debra, drink your wine.”

“And may their first child be a mussel child.

Calamari is going to be another SNL stunt casting for a cold open now, right?

I watch Seth most nights. Seems to me he’s visibly and verbally grateful for great writers on his team like Amber. She’s consistently awesome and he appears to love giving her a platform to express her astute and funny commentaries. He’s also a very good writer himself imo, white dude notwithstanding

I love Amber! More Amber brilliance in everything please.

I’ve attended cons since 2002, and attended on press badges since about 2010. I’ve been given numerous opportunities for interviews with Vic over the years. I’ve never once done it, because I’ve been hearing stories about his behavior since 2007 and I refused to be in a room alone with him under any circumstance. I am

Yeah, when Gibson started slapping Helen Hunt and screaming about his hope that she gets raped by ‘packs’ of racial slurs it kind of took the comedy out of it. But having him react in confusion to women’s clothes and make-up brought it right back!

This is a pretty dumb way to report on this story.

This story would be funnier if she didn’t have to spend most of the interview being asked to prove her blackness to an asshole who’s admitted to rape and laughed about the idea of murdering trans people. This woman is running for President against Trump and she has to prove she’s black enough first? Get the fuck outta

All purveyors of dairy products and their derivatives are blessed according to the Book of Armaments.  

My dad is super into Jesus and also a massive pro-Trump right wing nut job.  We were talking about “building the wall” and I pointed out that I didn’t think it was the Christian thing to do.  My dad disagreed, and then I asked him, “if Jesus came back right now, would he come to your rich church full of rich people in

When I saw the picture of the lamb and multi color text and weird format I kinda screamed AHHHH in my head. It looks like an inspirational poster they put up to make you feel worse about yourself. 

This reminds me of my absolute favorite story from the life of Jesus: Jesus and the Centurion. For those not familiar, Jesus, after giving his Sermon on the Mount, was approached by a Centurion or a delegation on his behalf (the account varies depending on which gospel you read), who pleaded with Jesus to heal a

Ellen Page hasn’t had any work in the last 5 years?

I’m not a like, huge Chris Pratt fan, and I don’t begrudge him being all Jesus-y, if it helped him through stuff. It’s just...I dunno, maybe he should just straight up say “I’m against gay conversion therapy, which is a despicable, hurtful practice,” or even just sit down with Ellen Page to talk. I get the desire to

So I’m not shocked at all that the response doesn’t include any real denial of Page’s criticism.

Lol, fuck off, Chris Pratt.