
Through the power of Google, I found a 1986 article where they interviewed Debbie Allen and Gwen Verdon about how she taught her the steps. It filled in a little backstory on dance moves for musicals and an opera hat. (it may be paywalled)

The copper may melt, the electronics or circuit breaker connected to it will pop, but no big fireworks type display. Loud, sudden, boring.

I work with electrical distribution - pumps, generators, other electrical equipment. Equipment doesn’t blow up like that. If a bomb requires electricity and it is connected to a disconnect switch. Throw the disconnect switch, no boom. Ugh.

I must have missed all of the outrage for the multiple Spiderman reboots.

I asked my super religious aunt “didn’t the Bible say something about feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, taking in the foreigner?” Her response - Nope, not in there.

Yes, but did he mean that only cheese makers were blessed or any manufacturers of dairy products. Asking for a friend.

I friend, who knew she was adopted, used one of those tests and thinks her birth mom was a baby popping machine that sold the kids. I think she’s up to 9 siblings (some FULL and some half) between the birth father and birth mother.

Are you now slandering my avocado green kitchen appliances and pants that had people on them?

That Baby Christopher apparently only laughs around Annalise is bloody hilarious. Of course how can she be around the kid long enough to make him smile.

I love her dog! Her stories were also pretty bad ass.

The uprising has begun! Ooh, weeds.

I love other people’s dogs. I think they are the best. I get to rub their belly, give them butt scratches, indulge their worst habits and give them back to to their owners.

My aunt didn’t want her grandson to read Harry Potter because - he would get into witchcraft. Star Wars was okay because high midi-chlorian level is not wizardry. Yeah...

Bring shoes you can throw away.

I still can’t watch The Wizard of Oz. Stupid monkeys.

“No...wait. They started again...” - well done.

My aunt got the DVD and wanted me to watch it. I told her I didn’t want to watch a snuff film. ((I really don’t like it when she wants to talk religion with me))

I barely remember what I had for breakfast this morning, much less than anything happened in Season 1. Season 2 will be fun. What are we talking about again?

Yeah, wait another 8 months, then buy as fast as humanly possible. I got mine a month ago, only because I was on the Lego wait list for frequent buyers.

Yeah, wait another 8 months, then buy as fast as humanly possible. I got mine a month ago, only because I was on the

That’s nice, but I keep getting the bruised ones or the ones with the brown streaks all over. It’s killing me. Fine, it may be too ripe by then, but I will use the new knowledge to make my CA rolls in pale green Triumph!