
One of the most underrated qualities of the best actors is to know exactly what kind of movie they are in, and deliver their performance at exactly that level. When an actor nails the tone, and you can tell they are having an absolute blast with the material, it’s one of the best experiences you can get as a

I liked this show a lot but I agree with your critique. It does define Verdon in relation to Fosse much more than the opposite. Gwen has a long IMDB page, where she apparently took her agent’s advice and started doing a ton of guest appearances starting around 1985 and culminating in a couple of Emmy nominations for

We got the tap dance at Paddy’s funeral...

I feel like this needs to be a note attached to every single one of these workplace harassment stories:

It was a pivotal dispute, and ultimately, Rockstar HR concluded that events had not happened as Bundschu described, although Spampinato also said in his email that the company would be going through anti-harassment training shortly thereafter.

Nadja on vampire orgies: *shrugs* “It’s fine.”
“You need to re-cover that chaise lounge. Cause I’ll ejaculate straight through that.”
“I have a strobe light up, and a couple speakers playing some, uh, acid jazz.”
“I got this one because it shows human food, and if I ever have a human in here, they’ll feel at home. I

man if you think this is bad, you should see what John Wick does to people who steal his car.

It’s a movie. Most of us (not including you, apparently) are able to separate the fantasy of comeuppance from the reality of what’s appropriate.

I don’t care about continuity or plots or any of that shit. This is a show where a werewolf was killed by having a bone thrown off a building, which by the way, happened in New York AND NOBODY NOTICED.

Who was George Washington?

There are so many laughs that have no dialogue, that are so characteristic to this show.

I like this show. I hope it gets a movie.

Can supply anecdotal evidence. Lost mine at 12. Took me decades to realize how fucked up my views on sex were. Never really been able to get past the fetishes it instilled in me. So it goes.

Also, not as an excuse for bad behavior, but every guy I know who lost their virginity at age 13 (sample size: 3) has been screwed up for life with regards to their needs and treatment of women. For as long as I can remember, guys high five each other if they get laid in their early teens. It’s gotta mess with your

I can’t believe that he all but raped Ann in the hospital with that “ I need to prove that I’m alive” bs. That was just insane. You don’t see that in horror films. Don’t the nurses watch their monitors or anything ?

Laszo made a couple obscure Jack the Ripper references in earlier episodes. One about hanging around in Whitehall, and another where he mentioned one of his victims names. I picked up on those in each instance. 

Of course Tom and Brad are too busy, but Kiefer?

“Wait, The Baron is dead??”

I set-designed Pippin once. It is so transparently easy to tell the Pippin parts from the Fosse/Vereen parts. And the Manson Trio is one of the finest 2 minutes in American dance.

I very nearly choked I was laughing so hard at the resolution of the Vampire/Werewolf battle on top of the abandoned Circuit City. I was skeptical at first, but the series has me completely enthralled.