
I wonder if they will have a little snippet of Timothy McVeigh being interviewed in Waco about the siege and a post script of what he did in Oklahoma City.

I worked there in 84-86' (paleozoic era). It was fresh eggs. It would make more sense financial wise to use the stuff out of the carton.

Back when dinosaurs ruled the earth and the folded egg was released, we cracked the eggs and beat them. Used a specific ladle to put it into the molds. I have no idea what they do now.

Better off Ted was so true to life, my friend’s dad refused to watch it. When you live it, it isn’t that funny.

When I went to Chicago with friends, they really wanted to go to Lou Malnati’s for pizza. Until we sat down and I finally read the menu, I kept wondering who names a place Iluminati.

Ah yes, the antenna. When I grew up, we had an antenna rotator that we would plug into a specific outlet and it would rotate the antenna mounted to our chimney to get a better image. I also remember being the old school remote control. Sitting next to the TV and have my brothers yell at me to turn the channel to

For a second I thought that was your answer to the "What is your mother's maiden name?" challenge question - Jennifer Lawrence

I try that until they want only special characters or combination of numbers and capital letters and the next thing you know I'm asking to reset my password.

I went to the Whitney Plantation in Louisiana last year. The focus was on the slaves and their conditions. The house was the last place we saw.

My co-worker had to forcefully tell his kids "Trump lied, nothing he says is true.". It was the only way to get the kids to stop asking him to explain what Trump said that day.

When I had to go in for selection, they had the hardest time sitting a pool for spousal abuse. Everyone was either a victim, had a sibling, witnessed parents, etc. and couldn't be impartial.

At least they knew that kids nowadays don't know how to write in cursive. {{get off my lawn}}

There probably are more heated arguments in the rotisserie league on how to marinade the chicken than on "doctrines" of the United Church.

Everybody hated the Jews, but loved their money.

Bible also doesn't like it when nuts are grabbed in a bar fight. Deuteronomy 25:11-12
"If two men are fighting and the wife of one of them comes to rescue her husband from his assailant, and she reaches out and seizes him by his private parts, you shall cut off her hand. Show her no pity"

Are we sure that looking up jokes on the internet hasn't already been a joke on the Simpsons?

Per Better of Ted: "Business is changing; Changing at the speed of information. Whoever adapts first wins - in order to compete we Innovate; in order to Innovate we redefine; and how do we redefine? With a New Definition!"

Then I commend your ability to focus for eight hours. My cats have a longer attention span than I.

One cat was beating up on cat #2, so I belled cat #1. Cat #2 would go from purr to full alert the moment she heard the bell. More attention to the cat #1 mellowed her out.

Raised in the 70's and I think of JabberJaw