
Brother: So, most of these situation can be solved by playing with the cat and putting in cat trees.
Me: Most
Brother: Except for the one they put the cat on meds
Me: ((How many of these things have you seen? You don't like cats.))

Carter got sh!t from everyone when he mentioned that he asked his daughter her opinion on nuclear weapons.

I talked my way into the LA Zoo just before they closed to get a Wax Lion. He's plastic and blue, but he keeps an eye on me at work.

Favorite line: "I'm sort of a Christmas and Easter Jew"

I thought they were joking about Cloak and Dagger! What's next Moon Knight?

Wow, Cloak and Dagger I forgot about them.

Toe-pic! <<spray of="" ice="">>

I was outvoted and had to see "The Polar Express". I hated it and hated it even more and people tried to explain it was an allegory because I thought it was shitily portrayed.


I'm old - Yor, the Hunter from the Future. I only find out now that it was and Italian-French-Turkish co-production based on an Argentinian comic. Yup.

Nice recognition by Mer that people tend to die around her.

When I read that she was going to play a mom with teenage kids, I thought that she's not old enough to do that. <<thanks>> for reminding me that Angel was on 15 years ago. I'm now going to yell at kids to get off my lawn.

Benito - they play him well just taking everything in

If there is a 2018…

The day of the inauguration, my friend and I went to lunch (West Coast) and celebrated the that as of that time, there wasn't a mushroom cloud.

They sell the 5 lb Coke gummies. Don't go there. Cookies suck.

"How fast can we get that DNA sample run?"

John Wick 2: They can't just leave my frickin dog alone.

This seems like a teenage "Stranger in a Strange Land", except without the cannibalism. That would have made the movie more interesting.

The Proposal? All those Canadians.