
The cognitive dissonance is strong here. You have this preconceived notion that the emails were just a, “move along nothing to see here”, and you have been trained to repeat it because your “team” told you it was true. I’m sure you didn’t even look at the website and who cares about the name when the content is

Nice strawman. But are you talking about the same emails that revealed that most of the “unbiased” sources were directly colluding with the Clinton Campaign? (

I completely agree with you, but I don’t think it’s fair to say that Americans in general have their “heads in their asses.” The top .0001% or less have control over public opinion through innocuous ways and they are the one’s running the show. I don’t think its fair to blame Americans for falling for propaganda,

I am wondering the same thing man, the closest thing of sanity I have found has been Glenn Greenwald (, but I agree both side are so stuck in their ways and the way they demonize each other without actually offering any real solutions is sad for the future of this country. Where are

“24,000 extra dead”

See that’s the problem your using this hypothetical extremely niche senario to create this false moral dichotomy where you either support ACA or you “allow people to die” which is ignorant to not only the context on both sides of the actual debate behind and thought process behind the policy, but also in that it makes

I’m not implying that at all. You said that, “you assume I don’t understand what it is like to be poor and feel dead-ended and ignored but I do.” From this is clear that you feel that your opinion as someone who has been in a situation of poverty hasn’t been given proper respect, hence why I used the word slighted, so

I’m not quite sure how you made the jump from white nationalist having common cause with certain policies of Trump’s to Republicans having a race problem, but my point is that the strawman white nationalist racist is not the majority of Republican voters despite what the media tells you.

A bit of a false equivalence. Being intolerant of bigotry is not the same thing as being a bigot.

If you can’t see the downsides of Obamacare and why millions of people want it to be repealed then you shouldn’t be debating it and this is coming from a complete independent before someone calls me a Republican. However I have had the chance to debate with Republicans and Democratics alike. There’s two sides and both

“Do you change the oil and do routine maintenance on your car? Why? Do you know for CERTAIN that if you don’t it will break?”

This is some next level irony here. This post actually furthers the original NYT op ed point. The original article makes very few climate scientific claims in fact he acknowledges the danger and like you said is more about social science than climate science. Yet you label him with the same term as someone who says

“Gizmodo is a blog about gadgets and technology... We post about a variety of electronics, as well as all sorts of things gadget geeks might enjoy.”

But the average person in those countries still emits lower CO2 than the average American. That is also a factor to take into account. I would argue that it really isn’t a factor to take into consideration when you recognize that a significant portion of both countries population are farmers bringing the number per

I have read the report I know that it said that humans are dominant force, however if you actually look at some of the study the conclusions are pretty general like for example like here: scientists concluded that the range of human impact on climate

That’s an extrmely elaborate strawman you created there. Since your saying that people keep “moving the goalpost,” why don’t you tell me what the goal post actually is. What does it mean to “deny” climate change? What is the 80-90% consensus actually on? Does saying that climate change is definitely happening, but

“still very much a jackass”

So your point is because your “team” got leaked on it destroys Wikileaks credibility? That again doesn’t make any sense, considering they released information about Bush along with several other right-wing governments in Ukraine, England, etc.

That’s not how the world works. There isn’t this equal amount of information on both sides waiting to be released, that’s a false equivalency, it makes no sense.

Well it looks like the propaganda is working well on you