
I appreciate the story and it’s very well written. I just fail to see how 99% of people relate to you. If your playing one game a day or week then maybe okay, but significantly more that and and not seeing any of the new stuff is pretty ridiculous and suggests that you drop off away from any places with more than a

I hate to break it to you, but you’re not “decent” if you’re placing in the top 15 - 20 with only 1 - 2 kills a game. The best way to get better and more rare gear is to get into fights, kill people, and take their stuff. If you’re routinely avoiding confrontation in Fortnite it’s no wonder you never see the more rare

I have no idea what makes these people think this isn’t going to hit the left as well. Commenting on a video you personally find repulsive? Commenting on ISIS? On something Trump did?

It is very easy to believe this story, since he and his staff have shown to be complete idiots (able to win though), but if you spread meta-news about fake news, four unnamed sources are simply not good enough to make this a true story. Sane people should practice what they preach and hold higher standards imho.

as a gay man, and Independent, Democrats can drop this bullshit argument until me and my boyfriend can get married in every state. Democratic voters have fucked up plenty of things themselves in their own communities.

This belongs on Gizmodo because the Hillary email investigation had SOMETHING to do with technology, right? All I’m saying is, you don’t need to have political discord on EVERY DAMN THING THAT HAPPENS in the White House.

I came from a 3rd world Asian country. I don’t want to be specific about it. I emmigrated here as an adult but did so legally. It was costly and time consuming but I wanted to do it the right way.

The sad reality is that the USA has a completely outdated and corrupt political system that has entrenched itself into your society. This ‘winner takes all’ system with just 2 parties will always polarize, there is no room for reasonable debate or reasonable politics: you are either with ‘us’ or with ‘them’. Your

You’re not gonna get an unbiased answer here or on an equivalent website that is pro republican. I’m not a citizen of the US but for the most part, I try to see both sides of the argument. I reside here in the US so I still have an interest on what is happening around me. Is there a website that is unbiased and more

THIS! Too bad it doesn’t fit the agenda of the author and thus it wont get promoted...

Remember when Gizmodo was separated from political propaganda?

Keep this dumb shit on Jizzabel.

If you can’t see the downsides of Obamacare and why millions of people want it to be repealed then you shouldn’t be debating it and this is coming from a complete independent before someone calls me a Republican. However I have had the chance to debate with Republicans and Democratics alike. There’s two sides and both

It sort of seems like there should be, I don’t know, some sort of a blog that they run that has information about politics. (pause)

And in his defense that entire case was closed and dismissed by the chief prosecutor of sweden, Eva Finne. Then once his name came in the spotlight again for political reasons a separate prosecutor reopened the case. It’s about as shady as rape cases get.

I am still at a loss as to why Gawker (now Gizmodo) has a raging hatred for Assange. The US government has always been secretive. It has been ultra-secretive since Bush 43. So someone has to be an asshole and help those secrets leak out. We have an NSA who was compromised by Russia and a prsident who probably is

Let’s say, totally hypothetically, that Assange was no longer alive.

“still very much a jackass”

As opposed to openly paying/exploiting Hillary like saudi arabia (and many other countries) do(es).

If you truly believe that then don’t even dare to say that you believe that all people deserve to be treated equally. Don’t even dare to say that you believe that in a court of law the accused is innocent until proven guilty.