
> The problem with dickheads like Leavitt is that, well they’re dickheads.

You can both believe black lives matter and disagree with the political premise the of the BLM movement as well as denouncea violence perpetrated by it’s members.

Insite hatred?? Give me a single drop directly from the Q anon source that "insites hatred" I'll wait.

I appreciate the story and it’s very well written. I just fail to see how 99% of people relate to you. If your playing one game a day or week then maybe okay, but significantly more that and and not seeing any of the new stuff is pretty ridiculous and suggests that you drop off away from any places with more than a

Except that’s NOT the argument being made that’s a strawman. The real argument is that women perhaps don’t want to be in tech which is perhaps valid and up for question.

Damore sees his ideology as fact, but it is not.

You sure are making a lot of assumptions about me can I see your psychology degree as I am curious to how you can tell how I feel deep down from a simple forum post... 

“This guy is part of a culture in “sciences and technology” that is predominately male, seeking to twist facts to ensure that those in power stay in power and that he maintains his advantage.” Did you even read his manifesto? Explain to me how this guy did any of that? All he called for was an open debate, if you

“Damore asserts that women are biologically ill-equipped to handle the rigors of the tech industry.” Except he didn’t claim that at all let alone assert it...

Wait so let me get this straight, wanting to discuss the issue honestly and pointing out that most of the arguments regarding this manifesto were strawmans based on things never said or suggested in it, “puts me in the uncomfortable position of outing myself as racist and sexist”? Im not quite sure what race has to do

What are you talking about? Quick justifying censorship. How is Al Jezeera “inciting violence”?

If the whole Russia scare is true someone please explain to me me this. If Russia “hacked the election” (still have yet to hear a concrete answer on what was hacked and actual evidence to how it influenced the election in anyway) to be a Russian puppet like I see claimed all the time, then why has Trump done nothing

> And these aren’t spelling mistakes. You used the wrong word, like you again did here. The word you’re looking for is ‘you’re’.

Unless you’ve never had a typo on your phone your a huge hypocrite.

Hmm your tired of my like 10 comments on this site lol okay. And just fyi I’m not on “the right” in any way. You sure do love to make assumptions, it’s too bad all of them are flat out wrong.

YouTube isn’t the government yes, but how does that mean this isn’t censorship or against freedom of speech? YouTube knows it’s a massive content distribution platform more so than traditional media. A large group of people being silenced for their believes IS censorship. This leads to fear of speaking out and being

This is an extremely dangerous president and the beginning of 1984 censorship. People need to understand that controversial != dangerous. The real danger and the real question of course is in who decides what is deemed “controversial” or “supremacist content?” and what is there agenda.

Op says “The earth has been going throw these cycles for millions of years” and you respond with an unsourced chart starting at 1850. LOL

Again you keep attacking the source and me, why don’t you actually address the actual point? Your deflecting hard core. I even showed you the exact emails and notice how you never mention any of it... Lol at your “psyc 101" bs claim when I clearly showed you how it is cognitive dissonance...

I don’t have a political allegance to anyone one can not support Trump and hate Hillary...