Bullshit. Have you heard the way those wankers pronounce aluminium?
Bullshit. Have you heard the way those wankers pronounce aluminium?
But you Brits also say “pasta” with a flat a, and it always sounds ridiculous.
It’s like a Pinterest board created on meth.
If Grace Kelly and Jackie Kennedy managed to use the toilet, so can you.
Once I was in the loo at the airport and I farted. A woman in another stall said loudly, “That’s disgusting! Who did that?”. I laughed so hard that I farted again and she declared, “I do not have to listen to this!” and stormed out.
All her plastic surgery is an attempt to stave off genetics.
Somewhere recently it was reported that Trump truly does not understand that not everyone thinks Ivanka is as amazing as he does. The 3 older Trump children, it is obvious, have NO level of self-awareness. In their own rights, they are wildly unremarkable. I thought Bush was a terrible president, but to his credit,…
The top pic is eye-opening to me, as I never really noticed before that she does indeed have the same anus-shaped mouth as her father. I suppose that is why she talks in that slow curated manner, constantly forming her mouth in ways to avoid the complete asshole look. Of course regardless of whether or not her mouth…
I’m trying to muster up some sympathy for Ivanka as a human, but it’s hard. I met Chelsea Clinton a few times and it always struck me that she was doing the best she could with unwanted celebrity. She is a very smart and dignified person. Apparently, she and Ivanka were friends, though I imagine that’s not going…
My Father was an Air Force Air Mobility Command Officer (Now Retired). I’ll let his email to me speak for itself:
He knows as much about fine dining as he does foreign affairs and domestic policy.
...well done...with ketchup?
so fucked. we judge the male perps by their potential future, while judging the female victims by their past. AMERICA.
Lol, “their brand.” I seriously doubt you can compete with the richness and depth of my contempt for Mother Teresa, but she was an extreme outlier in many ways. It’s dumb to act like she’s representative of how these things normally go.
I saw an interview. I forget where, with a women in the military who’d survived brain surgery, that went something like”
Haha what a load of bullshit.
Oprah absolutely created Dr Phil, do you not know your Oprah history? She met him on the beef industry case and liked him so much she gave him his own show, through her company. After years of obviously abusive and wrong advice she’s happy to bank on the misfortune of others.
Oprah is a…
Doctor: I mean after we cut out the tumor, completed a course of radiation therapy and a few rounds of chemo, I just can’t explain why the cancer is just not there any more.
Ivanka shows up because she wants to build her brand. She builds her brand by showing she has access to important and influential people. Ivanka Trump is no idiot, unlike her brothers and her father. She wants to be the first woman elected President. She is trying to get access and PHOTOS with elected officials and…
I really can’t stand this woman. She is just as big a liar and asshole as her ‘daddy’, she’s just packaged better and speaks in a soft whispery tone that makes her more palatable to the public.
Remember when the asshole Trumpie said something stupid? Of course you don’t. Now go punch your father in the mouth for failing to pull out on the dank dark night when you were conceived, piece of shit Trumpie.