

120k votes in three states would not be considered a wide margin on the planet earth.

The people that support Trump are not nearly as organized or as large as they would have you believe.

You don’t see any evidence?

What you say is true, but pilots truly are a special breed.

Let me be clear, your body is nothing special. I would bet money on it.

Agree 100 percent and I got the same score you did.

I got a 4.

You have to delete the reminders

Slide to unlock is gone in ios 10. I’m not even on it and I know that.

The narration was as if he had jumped off the dam and propelled himself through that hoop.

Bragging about your wealth is very un-progressive of you.

Fuck Jezebel!

Dairy is in the back of the store because pallets of milk weigh about 8000 lbs. and who the hell wants to be dragging that all the way to the front?

He suggested incentivizing one child households.

Look at vehicle ownership under the Soviet Union and you might rethink that thought.

Sushi is a rip off. It’s just cat scraps.

Don’t forget the money he lost on taxes and interest on 75k.

Don’t forget he’s making it worse by bringing it back to us!

Police departments supercharging their cars, aftermarket?