
His arrogance rubs people the wrong way. Which I get.

You don’t fire half of the employees in a company you’ve just purchased without having a clue as to what value they bring to the table ... and then demand that those who remain work 24/7 after you’ve realized that was a mistake.

His tweets also come across as

I’m gonna go ahead and assume you’re acting in good faith, even though it’s pretty clear you’re not.

I mean, acting dense as to why people don’t like him isn’t doing you any favors.

It was when he became a pre-vaccination Covid denier because he wanted his factory workers to risk their heath to meet his earnings goals.

Wow, that was a really hard hitting interview.  You challenged Marx’s assumptions, dug into the issues, made them defend their positions so well.  Oh wait, no, you just started every question agreeing.

I would be interested in the impact at the smaller level. I have seen a pretty big change in individual transportation within college towns, denser cities, and even some trails with the advent e-bikes, scooters, and skateboards. These have certainly made a wider radius of livability available to those without the need

I’ll give it a shot, but Show-Jon Snow was pretty boring in the latter seasons. He was never the most charismatic or interesting character on screen whenever he was sharing a scene with another prominent character. 

All understandable, but let’s also consider the frequency with which you actually need to transport all of those above-mentioned items and small children. In your case, owning a personal vehicle makes perfect sense even if we had efficient public transit, and no matter how efficient our public transit you would still

If you want to donate $50,000,000,000 to build out a subway in Las Vegas I’m sure they’d be happy to take your money, they’d even operate it for you!

1) Because a train would stay in the right-of-way while loading/unloading. That blocks the station/tunnel.

Aww. You seem a little butthurt for some reason.

I didn’t have insurance, got treatment (biggest problem was it took going to several providers before found someone that would actually diagnose so could treat), it left me bankrupt but alive. I don’t have the “I did it so others can too” bootstrap mentality view, I don’t want others to go through that crap, it

This is the only question that matters. Universal healthcare is absolutely doable and it is the only sane and humane answer.

my thoughts exactly. So in other words, poor people and/or people w/o health insurance are still just as fucked as they were before this breakthrough. Get ready for more stories of people leaving the country or otherwise scrambling for their lives while living in the “richest country on earth.”  Kinda takes the steam

While it’s great news, the fact we don’t have universal healthcare is a huge problem. One dose every 3 weeks for 6 months, each dose is out of pocket $11,000. How can the average person afford this without going bankrupt or take a hit on their retirement savings. 

I firmly believe that communities that protest wind farms for aesthetic and/or unhinge fantastical reasons should be forced to choose between a coal fired power plant or a nuclear power plant to be installed there as an alternative.

For a straight hybrid, there often are still benefits to them on the highway, compared to conventional powertrains.

A neighbor down the street has a Clarity Plug-In with all his HOV stickers appropriately placed on the car. However it is always, and I mean always parked curb-side and I’ve never seen it plugged in.

You just wrote this to get a plug in for hybrids, didn’t you?