
I believe the Nevera is the fastest stock production car of any kind ever at the Goodwood hill.

There has to be some cover abd tubing on the solar leaf otherwise the syngas vanishes into the atmosphere. Stories about solar leaves and electrolyzers rarely show the rest of the machinery.

“Tesla has continually had problems raising the amount of money that it needs to actually get its cars out into the world.” Not any more, it’s now a free cash flow machine. And it doesn’t make the “even more affordable vehicle” because even with four car factories it can’t make enough of its $48,000+ cars to meet

“Caltrain” is a commuter rail line serving the San Francisco Peninsula and Santa Clara Valley (Silicon Valley). It’s been slowly improving and had decent ridership before Covid-19, but still hasn’t electrified or extended service into downtown San Francisco.

“It may cause further financial hardship.”

#typo “if we’re going to reign in the climate crisis”

It’s more that California doesn’t have as many good locations as the Plains states for onshore wind and as the article explains the continental shelf drops quickly so fixed offshore wind turbines aren’t practical.

Just because it’s reporting you don’t like doesn’t make it disinformation. Cold hard cash is why solar and wind are the majority of new generation in the USA and worldwide. No utility is going to install a nuclear plant that costs 15 billion dollars and takes 15 years instead of quick and cheap wind and solar. The

The fixed bases and cables for offshore wind turbines are probably good habitats on which marine life can recover, but the fishermen object to any reduction in their God-given right to overfish and deplete stocks wherever they want.

“toe the line into sporty”

Most financially successful people got there because their parents were wealthy. It's that simple.

“a few other countries where Hongqi sells its cars”.

You missed the point with your nearly incoherent rant. Machine learning/(recurrent) neural network software, written by those young coders and given away for free, *does a better job* than laboriously crafted expert systems that deservedly faded away in the 90s (I remember how Prolog was supposed to be the future of AI

IBM and Microsoft jointly announced OS/2 and its GUI, Presentation Manager, as the serious enterprise-y successor to MS-DOS & IBM PC-DOS. All the serious software vendors (Ashton-Tate, Lotus, Wordperfect, etc.) dutifully began rewriting their software for OS/2. At the time Windows was a limited shell to run multiple

Pro tip: that little “’d” in your “No way I’d spend 2 mill on this” makes it a meaningless counterfactual.

You’re mistaken. If you buy a more efficient car such as any electric, the gallons consumed by the car fleet will go down, and that’s where most of the lifecycle pollution and CO2 emissions from cars lie. (Two ton recyclable car vs. 10 tons of gasoline burnt by a 35 mpg car over 120,000 miles, it’s no contest.) lf you

The faux crocodile tears shed on the Internet over “Oh noes, won’t somebody think of the manufacturing pollution of batteries?!” are pathetic. A 35 mpg car burns through 10 tons of gasoline over 110,000 miles, every gallon of which was dirty to drill, refine, and distribute, and it all goes up in smoke. Compared to

I wondered about that too. Apparently there are 10,0000 solar installations in PR, but most are grid-tied and so they don’t operate in the absence of grid power, because... safety and regulations? (I have grid-tied solar in California and this was news to me, I thought you could pull the big disconnect switch on the

Dozens if not hundreds of people will die early due to VW’s criminal, intentional, and wholly unnecessary cheating. Countries regulate emissions for a reason! “America’s 11 million diesels—buses, trucks, trains, ships, and construction equipment—emit pollutants that lead to 21,000 premature deaths each year and create

Tesla has forced the major car company to commit to building electric cars. Seeing that commitment and reacting to the diesel cheating fiasco, governments are encouraging or mandating future electric car sales, which encourages additional investment by car companies. That’s the threat to oil companies.