
@skrooloose: Or the strikingly handsome 1984 Civic S model, though I prefer Wolfs.

@ndhapple: The Bay Bridge western span is two back-to-back suspension bridges that meet at a central anchorage built in 100 feet of water. The mechanical stresses on that anchorage are unimaginable but you'd never know as you drive over it, hypnotized by the lights on the suspension cables rising and falling four

@Come&VetteMe: "YOUR CLOTHES, GIVE THEM TO ME NOW... ladies"

@nataku8_e30: Right. You have to remove the heat during the compression stage, otherwise your hot high pressure tank cools to have all the stored energy of a farting balloon; this takes energy (and/or time). Also the cooling as the air rapidly expands in the car is wasted energy unless you run the air through some

@YankBoffin: The 2011 Ford Fusion model refresh will add protective Microfins below the grille and an enhanced Indicator lubricating strip across the lip of the hood.

Wikipedia says it's Doblò, and reveals that besides Turkey and Brazil it's also manufactured in in Russia and Vietnam, and "in North Korea Pyonghwa Motors produces Doblò branded as its own name Ppeokkugi." The triple crown of Stalinist autopower! Doblò should dominate the die-hard communist USA small business owner

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Hey, Joel Goodsen dunked a 928 in Lake Michigan, and he got it repaired without his parents ever noticing (and got to bang Rebecca De Mornay in between). Someone should send a VHS of the movie to Veyron guy to cheer him up. #bugattiveyron

The suspension didn't bottom out while landing an 80 MPH jump

@Goosed: The government doesn't own any of the automakers.

Leg placement FTW. While Asimo and other robots try to program a walk cycle that can handle uneven terrain and stairs (and immediatly falls over on anything unexpected), a Boston Dynamics robot just keeps its (missing) head down, putting down one leg after another and rolling with the punches.

@KeyserSoze: If you cover it with blankets and fertilizer over the winter, some strains of Prius will exude a new mid-section every year. Some biodynamic hippy growers are predicting an 11-door Prius by 2013. #toyotaprius

@duurtlang: Toyota is already going to introduce the 5-door hatchback Toyota Auris HSD with the Prius powertrain in Europe in 2010, since 5-door hatchbacks are the most popular car style in Europe. It looks much like the current Auris, an inoffensive Euro-Japanese design. It appears it will get slightly worse mpg

What seemed an unattainable production car power figure — 500 HP — only a decade ago is now available in sedans to SUVs to luxury convertibles.

@LibertyMilk: the F1 just isnt standing out of the crowd anymore

"We'll produce a market-leading car in this segment!" I remember when the British were quiet and self-effacing. Whatever they do you know someone will drive it side-by-side with the F1 and declare it lacking in one seat, four cylinders, gold-foil in the engine compartment, and 257 pounds too heavy.

@Buster Brew: Tom Cruise got the Risky Business family Porsche 928 fully repaired after its dip in the lake before his parents returned; this Veyron should be a piece of cake.

@wilvelas: How do you know they didn't later pull off and return to the accident? They could not have done so safely during the clip, by the time the swearing started there was a barrier. #bugattiveyron

@pinkshinyalan is kind of brown: It's mostly the other way around. You're coming up fast on someone who doesn't use cruise control, but as you get nearer they unconsciously speed up, so you drive side-by-side with them at 65-78 for miles and can't get out of the fast lane. Or they drive according to engine note,