
@Flagrant German Fanboy: Well, in theory the hybrid V8 could replace the V12 with same performance and better fuel economy, just as a hybrid V6 replaces V8, I4 replaces V6, etc.

@Canuck Chinaman: Damn, that even beats "Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren 722 S Roadster Stirling Moss GT AMG Black"

Why doesn't BMW selll the 520d with EcoDynamics in the US? Mild regeneration, shuts off at a standstill, excellent highway economy, and RWD!

@HammSammich: That's a little harsh. In February's motorcycle accident Schumi took "a heavy tumble and may have been briefly knocked unconscious after his head hit the tarmac."

@Unregular: (Jalopnik comment snafus continue, lets try it without links.)

@skierpage: Goddamn Jalopnik comment system loses hyperlinks when you edit to add the linebreaks it eats.

@aec007: The myth that the energy it takes to make a car is comparable to the lifetime energy it takes to operate it is nearly as dead as the myth that solar cells somehow pollute more than the energy they displace.

@NiceNurseRatched: Let us know when your neck is beefy enough to withstand the forces in IndyCar racing, mmmkay?

@aec007: You don't want it to fully charge its batteries, the electricity from the wall is much cheaper. Otherwise we'd all run gasoline generators instead of hooking up to the power utility.

@camerony: Indeed. Do people love going to a gas station that much? If the gasoline car was invented now, people would be aghast: "So some mornings when I hop in my gasomobile it will be nearly empty of this 'fossil fuel' that I can only get by standing around next to my vehicle for 10 minutes at specialized

@gaiking: I was wondering why we don't have a car that is diesel electric

@elchimpo: if the gas motor is only used to charge the battery and not propel the car, ...

@GV_Goat: Your post is so incoherent it's hard to tell what you're saying, but the ~12 kWh it takes to recharge a Volt is more than the ~4 kWh an electric oven uses or the ~3 kWh a dryer uses (from Saving Electricty, his math seems right). Once an oven reaches operating temperature it isn't consuming max power all

@Formerlythegreatestdriver: Last month Tesla put 109 Roadsters in customer hands and was profitable! Amazing for a unique $100k + sports car from a new American manufacturer. A3 and R32 are more upscale, like the Saaburu 9-2X wanted to be. Leather seats are or were hard to get on Impreza models (mine are aftermarket) and the winter options (until the WRX Premium) limited.

When you put black cladding all around the bottom five inches of the car, it shows you have no confidence in the shape you've designed. Like the Ford Edge, this car would look so much better if the blacked out bottom section wasn't there at all.