
Exactly. Fan-bois whom, like me, can’t afford one, have never driven one, and never will, and hate the new NSX. Because; somehow, they think 85% performance of a 918 at 1/5th the cost and 225% of the reliability and 1/10th the maintenance costs are bad things? 

“proper NSX” lol.
The new NSX is better in every single way. I’d gladly own one and think anyone who wouldn’t is lieing or plain old ignorant.

Soooooo an NSX then.

wait what is that...ggggggguuuuuunnnnhhhh

TAKE MY MONEY NOW!!!!!!!!!(after i change my underwear)



everything I read about RICH convinces me it is a drug money laundering scheme created by a kingpin who’s also an F1 fan.

Still in duty in some places...saw one in Manitoba Canada a week ago.

They should give me one for free so I can advertise it for them.


That’s his name.

no it isn’t.

honda civic.

another thing to consider is insurance. Where I am it’s related to displacement. Under 500cc is literally half the price of over 500cc. bikes.

Don’t get caught up in the horsepower race, don’t buy in to the crusier big mythos. weight is the enemy. most bikes are ridiculously over powered. Buy a nice 500cc or below bike and learn how to ride. Sure your buddy on his Harley, or the guy on the GS1200 or the 1000RR will smoke you off the line and always have the

drag reduction, efficient airflow management, and clean design.....
plus i can drive around and NOT look like a win.

Hey moron. Learn to fucking read, you ignorant ass!

I can’t tell. Are you being painful ignorant or wilfully obtuse?