
a motorbike.

Cars are just cars.

what the fuck America.

love my 2019 500x

no. if you don’t report crime you are a criminal too. so indeed ACAB

The Horror the horror

if Honda is announcing it, then Honda will do it.

true fact.

I think weve hit peak car.
nobody under 30 that I know/work with gives a shit about cars. Not a single 1.

5 Stars Sir!

you just provided an example of everything wrong with car culture in one post.

misinformation, gaslighting, entitlement, and demonizing anyone interested in alternatives to 110 year old tech.

Bravo. care to make a misogynistic or racist comment to fill out your red-neck bingo card?

meanwhile Ford Execs are getting million dollar bonuses.

can’t speak for Jalopnik.

but “serious analysts” have to look beyond the quarter and short term rebounds.

Dr Michael Bury...
(the guy from the Big Short Movie who predicted the sub prime meltdown)

is predicting a bubble of gigantic consequence “orders of Magnitude” beyond any bubble in history “across all sectors”

and He

What to post when you don’t have anything else to write about so you pretend to have just discovered this “amazing feature”

next week: did you know the windows roll DOWN!!!!!

what size is a v8 what size is a v6?
hint. cylinder arrangement has zero meaning without displacement. you could make a 2 litre V8 and a 10 litre V6.

ask Acura.

had huge power Hybrid V6 car that crushed pretty much everything but the top end of the top end of super cars for 1/5th the price.... everyone went “I wouldn’t buy one shoulda been a V8!!!” and all those NSX’s just sit there on the lot waiting.

this argument has litteraly become....”Yeah!!! he was gonna take a panorama not a selfie.” why does anyone care why an idiot walked into a helicopter blade?

riigght..Lucid is still a thing.

sales numbers? production numbers.

they have been “showing” this car for a looong time and as far as I know zero deliveries zero sales.

vapor ware.

Fixed it for ya

Survey Shows Americans are fucktard idiots who are holding the entire world back with thier ignorance and entitlement.”

the police training practices in North America have created a bunch of militarized jackbooted thugs just itching to pull the trigger and bash skulls, with no thought of Public safety.
they refuse oversight at every turn, are ammasing stock piles of military equipment and riot gear, and are more interested in violence

says you.

The industry lied about the viability of electric cars for decades. They are probably lying now.

that has nothing to do with desire and everything to do with affordability and class structure and a failing to read the market.

a Leaf is 40K here in Canada...cross shoppers for a Leaf are either determined electric car buyers, or people who want a small basic hatchback.

of the people looking at a small

the point just flew right over your head.

the average American drives 26 miles a day.
many drive less than 8.

so range is not really EVER A PROBLEM. unless you want to make it a problem.

the point is that for the people who would buy a 12,000 base Fiesta, there is no possible way they can afford a 75,000 or more