
GM 4 plants and half a million cars/trucks in 2018.

Silly Tesla.. Just do what the “Big Three” do. Move your factories to Mexico. You’ll never have to worry about profit margins, workers rights, or any of that crap. If an employ is hurt you just shoot shovel and shut up.

I like Drones. I like drones being used to cover racing.

Guilty as charged. That doesn’t make me wrong.

Yes indeed. How odd. to comment on a forum about Motorsport and cars.... when you love cars and are a fan of Motorsport.......quack quack..

Yes. I did those things. I went to a drifting ...i guess it’s a competition......Drifting sucks. The fans suck, a bunch of ja-bro-ski frat-boys cheering on the pointless shredding

Every racing series needs to eliminate drifting. sad lame and dull.

It’ll look fabulous as it glides by in “limp mode” with the dashboard lit up like a Christmas tree.

I love how it looks like there’s a pool of fluid under the front clip in this pick. All I could think of was a blown gasket!!!

But all those wife hitting, drug dealing, racist 1% “outlaw” biker gang types that Harley built it’s company image on selling too are good guys?

so their strategy is to sell to kids so they can “have a HD just like dad” then the kids will go drive Honda, Yamaha, Kawi etc dirt bikes for ten years, build up a loyalty to whichever they “love” then suddenly decide that they need super expensive HD full size bikes ........... I don’t see it. especially when the

there’s nothing baffling about it. rich duoche who cannot drive, track mode. cold pavement, cold tires. 

full of adrenaline fight or flight response...nobody is thinking clearly after an incident like that.

I don’t think he “held on” at all I think he got sucked into the gap between the top of the rear wheel and the frame.and was unable to pull himself loose until the wheel had stopped spinning. the potential for injury was very high and I imagine his adrenaline was running quite high and he really wasn’t in his “right

Here in Canada we love ours as well.
My wife and i have had 3 of our 6 parental units(wife’s parents divorced and both remarried) undergo chemo, operations and ultimately palliative care as a result of Cancer. My remaining father in law has Alzheimer’s....My grandmother across the span of her 90 years had Thyroid

The amazing lack of historical awareness demonstrated in your comment, this thread, and the entire USA in general is appalling.

The socialist “New Deal” has more to do with growing a strong middle class than anything the “free market” has ever done. Since the end of WWII the developed world has shifted the majority of

People speak of a vehicle that was a “Safari car” before there were “Safari cars”

A legendarily durable fixable vehicle capable of crossing rugged terrain that made all but the best off-road 4x4 vehicles quake with fear.

A vehicle whose grip and weight bias enabled it to cross deserts and mountains and forests the wold

Overall I’m against a “Women’s series” I am concerned it will be a dead wend series and some great drivers will be pigeon-holed and stagnate in a series that many will dismiss out of hand because “It’s just women”

I would rather see more women in more series including F1 and WRC.

Having said that I hope that this series

yeah..Like “Why do people think your mother is a whore?” is a perfectly reasonable question.

between work and family and the relatives farm I operate over 20 vehicles some of which have many more levers and switches than any car..and manage just fine. perhaps you are one of the people who shouldn’t be driving.

If you don’t have the mental facilities or the dexterity to operate a steering wheel mounted volume control I’m not sure you should be driving.