
that sounds like the best car ever

Tesla closes stores...Massive article with massive custom banner
Chevy closes plants.affecting an order of magnitude more people and the American economy possibly even Global economy...stock photo and 4 paragraphs....seems like fair and balanced reporting.

for some reason...I like this H-S car more than the other.....even though I don’t really like it that much..........

I want one sooooooooo bad!!!!!!!!

None of them individually...But, in 100 years, when people look back. Multiple wins in multiple series indeed looks bigger than an F1 WDC.

Drivers who can boast a WDC/(Monaco), Indy500 and Le Mans = 1.

So yeah, it may indeed be “bigger”

Fugly, but it’s not really about looks anymore. It’s about areo. Those cutouts behind the wheel and the ugly triple element front wing will really channel the air from the climate control hermetically sealed garage HVAC system to create controlled dust vorticies across the car. Also something about lap the

How did you figure someone dies once every 20 years it’s not axiomatic...... also who cares about 20 years ago.

The cars were completely different and several orders of magnitude less safe. so were the tracks, the safety barriers, the is any of that relevant?

Today, in today’s cars. how safe are the drivers?

The sample size is what the sample size is. The data are the data.Since the implementation of the Halo no-one has died. Arguing about what might happen or happened in the past is irrelevant. fatalities in Fangio’s time have no bearing on today.

I disagree with your implementation of the stats. it’s wandering and confusing and you compare apples to oranges and then end up talking about pomegranates.

here this whole time I thought it was Mission Win Now..........................

I love how they keep talking up the danger f F1.
The reality is you probably are in more danger of being in a fatal crash on your morning commute than an F1 driver is these days.

Came here to post this. Have a star.


this x 1000
we need to rethink what a car is. We need to abandon the idea of “everyone owns a car” 

I say this as a man who drives a stick, rides a motorcycle and still in my 50's have car posters on my man cave walls.

I want that soooooooo bad

at $4500 i’d take a stab...but he wants tooooo much.

Sounds like that “perfume” the Whittington Brothers were “sponsored” by back in the 80's

I’d back the fuck away from that super sketchy van too.


use the brakes. that’s all you need.

cool story about it here: