

free healthcare and Cheap sports cars!!!!!!!!

I love my country!

I think the film was sped up too. i think it’s,crazy tippy &supper slow

Pointing out an example of institutional racism is racist?

Do I need to post the thousands of youtube links demonstrating what happens to black men in this situation ?

funny. no guns blazing.....oh the perp was white.

yeah it’s a big difference between “motorsport patina” and corrosive mess

i think they , like many companies, like to preserve cars as they came off the track. Lots of oil and rubber and grime on museum pieces in the auto world.

ready for everything.....except rear seat passengers.....

I’ll see myself out.

Time will tell what the NA market wants. you might find that the low cost Chinese cars are expected to sell at, has a huge market here and elsewhere.......The Chinese will tone down the fakery for the non-Chinese markets I’m sure, but they will be happy to sell fake Audi’s at home because that market is indeed big,

here’s the thing. You talk about this from an American perspective. but their Market want’s what they are selling, and they really don’t care what you think.and when they come here they will make whatever tweaks they need to to slide around our again no fucks given for what we think, just what must be done.

...focused on the driver’s BPM instead of the engine’s RPM (whatever the hell that means)...” heart rate.
So the car is about the way the driver feels rather than hitting some target HP or 0-60 numbers.

You better get used to it.

Here’s the thing. China truly doesn’t give a wet slap about our laws and rules. So, what you call “theft”, they call “Shut the hell up American we don’t care about you or your stupid Intellectual property rules we’re CHINA and were not anybody’s patsy any more!!!!” After their history of

No. and I never ever will. probably you won’t either....or are you friends with a Omani prince?....

I’ve rode shotgun in a Ferrari tho. It was fun.... But we really didn’t do anything we couldn’t have done in junky old Firebird or a cheap corvette, just more expensively. That’s kinda my point. You need to be on a track,

you cannot, in anyway, be serious when you say this piece of absolute garbage is “nearly perfect”.....


Don’t think of them as a rust holes.....Think of them as a Colin Chapman Lightening Holes! Vroom Vroom

Acura’s are cars for people who understand what a daily driver road car is. You want excitment? Get a track car or a “weekend car” or a motorcycle.

a small RWD manual sedan/coupe.

Light weight, analogue, fun. . no bs just fun.

horrible......absolutely grotesque.

really cool build. but No. not for me. ever.

I thought a big part of the loss of bumpers was increased protection for pedestrians/non motorist collisions.

People used to bitch about bumpers ruining the line of their cars and wanted to take them off. now they are off and people wast them back.