
wrong post

citation required.

funny the battery issue is a red herring. Toyota have been running a test on Cabs in winnipeg MB and other places since they launched the Prius and they have batteries with 10000000 kms on them.

cute quips and snide comments aside....


i’ll buy Japanese every time or Even Korean. Ilike how you ignore the vast array of safety recalls on the american’s like arguing with a 5 year old. go do some resaerch on the most dependable highest customer satisfaction ratings, and resale value...

1. Consumer research indeed shows that your assessment of Brand loyalty is in fact 100% incorrect. People , reasonable and unreasonable alike, “hold grudges”. When you make a crappy product your brand losses customer equity. and tyour brand is unlikely to regain that trust ever again
2. I bought a Chevy. And after

My garage has a lovely reliable well appointed well built Canadian made Civic in it. Y’know Canada? The country that burnt down the Whitehouse? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

And yet, the fleet cars at work, all of them made by “The New Chevy”2015 or newer, are utter garbage.

Ansd still Chevy doesn’t understand that consumers will not forgive them for the decades of low quality garbage they produced. Or the billions of tax dollars they stole after decades of financial mismanagement...

I don’t care what awards, how much they improve quality. I will never ever ever buy a Chevy,(or any of the

the after break recaps...Oh god they kill me. I can’t watch ANY American TV anymore. 

Citation required.

Carl Sagan would disagree.

Nissan Micra Cup car!!!!!!

but we all know most of these Cars will end up in Abu Dhabi or Dubai where emissions don’t matter.

He’s the first Russian blatantly criminal patsy in the Oval office...yet you Americans do nothing.....All your rants about Freedom and being the “Home of the brave”..but you are all to cowardly to actually fight for democracy and freedom. Hell you can’t even be bothered to vote.

The people must take back the power for

howabout you guys do something about it instead

headline should readEgomaniac idiot shows another egomaniac idiot something neither of them is smart enough to understand.”

Seriously America WTF!!!!!!!! How did this even happen? How is this lunacy “news”? Are you all stupid or on drugs?

I gotta say it’s almost fun watching your democracy crumble under the weight of

‘Murica, “We hate hatch-backs”

25yr old sundance.....94 miles on the clock.....

checks out. It was just in the shop the rest of the time.

an old beetle. It WILL put a smile on your face.