
wow. just fucking wow.

Thank you for proving my every point. Every comment every word every insult you reek of entitlement and ignorance. it’s like you are a caricature!

this right here. FFS!

it’s 2018 for crying out loud! It’s Post #METOO, The fucking Brett Kavanaugh Hearing/investigation is going on and yet you can’t hel;p but letting us all know how “hot “ you think these lady drivers look........

ummm isn’t this a rehash of an article Jalopnik already published?

I also “like” the Aztec. I think it looks cool and future-y.
However it was made by Pontiac.... in the 2000's.......CP

yeah but it’s really a UK Nazi scientists vs USA Nazi Scientists it really is relevant.

i’ll bet the original owner bought two. one as a daily and the second as a “special car” for graduations and stuff.

Sorry. all Batteries thrown over Niagra falls must be properly sealed in a barrel.

stupid for real world street use. Who cares about cosmetics? One man’s poison is another’ passion.. too cosmetics are really a mute point.

bullshit. Ballaban. This article completely glorifies morons in stupidly modded cars breaking laws on public streets. you want to expose them? make street racing not seem cool/ them post lots of pics with names faces and plates. then post lots of pictures of them being arrested and having their cars impounded.

Both sports car and sportscar are acceptable usages.
Thanks for playing.

this again.....

if only the word “Sport” meant the vehicle was a sports car, or had sport tuned suspension or any of a thousand other names and products....

yeah. nope no burnout gon awry here....“The gas pedal got stuck under the floormat......”

Like that onetime in college Itotally didn’t cheat on my girlfriend, my penis accidentally got stuck in my girlfriends roommate

I’d be more worried about the Russia mole in the Oval office than Russian mole missiles under the eastern sea board was I you Torch.

I said NP

keypad entry like ford

Yes. This. I get it, it’s sleeker and prettier to skip this...but c’mon build the holder in to the design.

Whaaat! That’s CRAZY that should Never in a million years EVER HAPPE...Oh it’s a Chevy.
Seems about right.

Jeebus Q Crust!!!!

Numerical keypads for unlocking doors like Ford has