
996 Porsche 911

the depreciation has hit, now the pendulum is swinging back and soon you will make dollar bills yo!

Leno has one. He DRIVES his cars.

“Dead eyed and helpless”
should read lazy and uninterested.

You want to make change? get out of your offices and away from your computers. Shut your country down and show the laughing stock government you have who is boss. 


Signed, A concerned neighbour.

Fake News!!!!!!!
Faraday Future is an entirely made up company whose sole purpose is to generate Jalopnik hits.

Awesome job.

I’ll buy it from you for $200.00

Well I think rock climbing is pointless stupid and egotistical. It’s dangerous and falls/injuries tie up important rescue services/personnel and could prevent them from helping someone. We should ban rock climbing because I’m uncomfortable with the possible consequences... So, you shouldn’t be allowed to do it.


Maths aren’t your strong suit are they?

Is it a station wagon? Because it might be an estate. ;-)

Never liked her.
It was very obvious she was a marketing tool, who used bikinis to sell a mediocre suite of web services to amateurs.
I would love to see more women jump in to motor sport,and hope the young women of today are looking at Motorsports history to find their idols.. But Danica is a prime example of what not

Sorry. It’s actually the result of a decades long war on critical thought, science, and public healthcare. fought primarily by the Republican party to preserve the absurd profit margins America’s incredibly backwards private healthcare system generates....but hey, I’m not surprised you don’t have the capability to

i voted crack-pipe, but, TBH it’s only about $3K more than I would pay.... the aftermarket stuff always makes me leery. I don’t know who wrenched on that car.. they could have fucked it up.

it’s ok

I’m from Canada.

What is a Target?
Is it that retail company that lasted 6 months before collapsing in a sea of lost jobs and debt? Yes.... well then who cares?

Funny.. You talk about Musk “saying anything”...What about Goldman Sachs? For some reason you trust the company who horribly incredibly and illegally bungled the sub prime market collapse, thereby nearly ruining the economy? and costing the worlds entire taxpayer base (Not just USA) BILLIONS OF DOLLARS!!!!!

Can I use a FuelShark with my Tesla Autopilot buddy?

Annnnd. most of those refer to a lack of luxury or comfort. Thanks for proving my point.

except that everything you said isn’t true.

no. it isn’t
It’s minimalist.

clearly language isn’t your thing.

Spartan is a hard wooden bench in a plain room.

Minimalist is an Eames chair in a bare room.

are you gonna tell me there isn’t a difference?