
And the interior design language being discussed is minimalist or clean, not spartan. because Tesla seats are reportedly very comfy and the cars are very luxurious and well appointed.

clearly you don’t know what spartan means either.

I’ll pass that on to all the racing drivers who use yolk style wheels.
It might take a while.

I think you are confusing Spartan with clean design.

Spartan means few or no comforts. My fathers old ‘68 International Harverster was “spartan”

The Tesla will have AirCond,Heated seats, infotainment sat-nav, a host of controls and settings, auto pilot, cell connectivity, customizable ambient lighting....etc. hardly

This thread is silly.

911 Turbo. There problem solved.

Almost impossible to make a successful electric car? So why are Porsche Toyota Nissan Chevy Volvo VW Peugeot Audi etc all betting HARD on electric cars being the future?

nice talking points.......shame they aren’t relavent if you own ANY car.

Jalopnik posters be like....large panel gaps on literally dozens of other cars. especially FCA cars..”meh no big deal”


Like 10 grain trucks on my uncles farm, like almost every old tractor, old semis. I have double clutched a bunch

With old cars & trucks, and race cars the transmissions had/have straight cut gears. to shift without grinding all the teeth of the gears, you had too put the clutch in, shift out of gear, release the clutch, then depress the clutch, shift into the new gear.

thank you for your master class in “Missing the point of an argument 101.”

Came here to say exactly this!

upcoming articles “What is this mythical Rev Matching thing?”, “Double Clutching, What ever the hell that is!” and “Are cars those things with wheels?”

Yes, I am defensive of people propping up policies that are inherently unconstitutional, unscientific, and ineffective. Especially when they have been repeatedly shown to punish the most vulnerable demographics.

I don’t know why you want to defend or excuse such policies...or how you think you have “poked holes” in

That’s why personnel anecdotes don’t matter. your “perfectly reasonable totaly understandable, no problem pee test” isn’t representative of whats happening for the vast majority of peoplee who are being forced to take drug tests.

what matters is what the data shows.
The data agrees with me.

Fine be a devils advocate.

Or maybe you smoked a joint a week ago, then got called in for a surprise job interview.

that’s exactly the problem. a puritanical holier than though attitude that lead to a non scientific decision. with no real benefit that exists only to punish people. read the article I linked.

Why? How does your after hours drug use affect your on the job performance? If I smoke a joint before bed how does that hurt my work the next day? it’s BS War on Drugs propaganda. It doesn’t work, is unfair, and helps nothing

You should be outraged. No employer should tell you what to do on your own time. Thank goodness I live in a jurisdiction where that kind of bullshit isn’t tolerated.

Wanna bet he smoked a joint.

turn North to Canada and FREEDOM!!!