
it’s never really been about visibility. any more than the A pillar on your car is. when driving you look around it without even thinking about it. this is probably even less noticeable because you typically are looking slightly left or right of centre for 95% of the way around a track.

it’s about an ugly ugly half

Race cars from the 30's era often had a ride on mechanics seat that was offset.

Yeah. Fortunes can change in an instant in F1. Honda are pretty proud of their heritage, they want to be at the top step... I hope they destroy this year.

make sure to pick up your hood and robes on the way to your “NRA” meeting...wink wink....

Where in my post do I define myself as “Mr. smarty pants”?

Somehow I doubt you’ll ever take any evidence at face value. I doubt very much you will accept any evidence that challenges anything you believe in your heart.

I’m sure you think your incredibly smart and a total genius with the best most expert opinion on every single issue.

That, and heaps of Russian cash.

this deserves all the stars

Doesn’t the nomad just look like a jeep though?

Who stole what from whom?

the cut off the springs mod is as old as the hills, same as heating the springs up with a torch. both are old hot rodder “tricks”. not safe, not sound, but ive seen it happen at both car shows and dirt tracks.

How about after the last lap the top six cars are forced to turn right. the one who can is declared the winner.

Only NASCAR could over-complicate a bunch cars driving in circles for 3 hours.

As frustrating as those answers might be for you...they aren’t wrong.

I’m claiming that the headline and article are misleading. Anyone who describes these unscientific tests as being definitive proof of their claim, is misrepresenting the veracity of their evidence.

Maybe you don’t understand a word of what I have written.....

I don’t care what you think you “proved” unless it’s a valid repeatable experiment eliminating as many variables as possible and statisticaly accounting for “noise” and error....your just some guy doing pointlwess brake checks. your observation and argument

Bertrand Russel can’t prove he didn’t!

That teapot has some strange company now.

ditto. just pulled very similar spin in that spot GT5 this weekend.. I hit the wall :-(

is it?
go see what a used Porsche Cayanne goes for, or just about any used Mercedes. if you want to talk about depreciation i can point to lots of cars that take far worse hits.  

The plural of inconsistent anecdotes is not data. since you have no repeatable relevant data, no conclusion can be drawn.

This is the stupidest argument. are you a jalop? or are you a name dropping dentists wife? “ooooh I simply must have the new Mercedes...If i didn’t, how would Madge at the country club know i’m worth my salt”

as you enquire to change the requisite headline, luxury changes your nose.