I simply cannot deal with the notch, and face recognition is...terrifying. I tightly clutch my cash paid iPhone SE and Apple can pry it from my cold dead hands.
I simply cannot deal with the notch, and face recognition is...terrifying. I tightly clutch my cash paid iPhone SE and Apple can pry it from my cold dead hands.
This is pro level shitposting.
Somebody ungray me dag nabbit. I’m useful and stuff.
Somebody ungray me dag nabbit. I’m useful and stuff.
Fuck you, dick.
huhuhuh...he said sweaty nut oils.
Im all against it, but I respect your arguement!
Bring me some bacon wrapped filet off the grill high flame (cool center) and then bring me sexonds!
What? You put up a semi-perm comment on Giz? You’re a dick!
Whats wrong with being a fungi?
I use:
holy fuck he was something.
Oh stop being such a cunt.
hahahaha that is great.
Way to research basic medical documentation, excellent journalism! Bravo.
you fuck beetles? sweet!!!!
I hardly watch tv. The computer, thats a different story. But my most favorite thing to do is stare at a campfire, and I try to do it at least once a week. Something deep in me goes to rest, that doesn’t even when I sleep.