
Sports News Website Reports Sports News; Readers Outraged

Second hand WRX wagon with a digital gram scale under the seat. Previous owner must have been a chef or something.

And that the fucking remedial chant is so easily thrown back in our face. Even my 4-year old thinks it's funny to say "J-E-S-T", and that little bastard can't even read.

Whenever someone tries to list all the NFL teams, the Titans are always the one they can’t seem to remember.

This is the face you get when you spend a day at a con with people yelling ‘CONFIRMED’ at you.

I own two shirts...

Drew, thank you for giving the correct answer to the pitching the 9th with a 10 run lead question, but for the love of God can we please institute a moratorium on these inane hypothetical “how would I do against a pro athlete if given (insert artificial advantage here)?” When will people learn that pro athletes are

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Ladies and gents, I give you “San Diego bro” captured to perfection:

Suck it, haters, this car’s awesome. This one looks in great shape, too. It’s got a 5-speed, good top, those fun retro decals. You can’t go wrong. I guarantee it’ll keep a smile on your face all summer.

He should be safe, that ump is clearly blocking the plate.

True dat. Hard to maintain a terrorist network when only one guy gets to do all the shooting.

It’s actually not as big of a deal as it looks. They’re just clearing the air to get ready for their pursuit of Brian Scalabrine. #BSinLA

If there is not an unwritten rule of thumb to not draft a guy whose last name rhymes with Bazinga, there should be.

I propose you did not read to the end of the post!

Gatchman Pikachu.

Flyers fan, still bitter over Michael Leighton in game six. Blackhawks are an incredible team. The constant reconstruction of the roster around Toews and Kane over the years and it keeps working. Reminds me of the Cardinals in MLB. Also, I’m so fucking happy that Kimmo Timonen gets to retire with his name on the

As a Flyers fan I am elated that Kimmo Timonen will be on the Cup.

You...didn’t see them go burn down a bunch of tents? You didn’t catch the obvious beating of that point into you when Davos knew that exactly 20 men did the burning and horse killing?

You’re saying that like it’s a bad thing.