
1976 Olds Toro Brougham. My dad had a white one with tan interior when I was little. Horrible gas mileage, PITA to park (I called it the White Whale), but it was like driving around sitting on the sofa- ultracomfy, completely smooth ride regardless of the road conditions, and intimidating to others. Eventually it died

Folks, I think we have a winner.

That’s easy. Gorillas and wolves. Gorillas... RIDING wolves. Especially if those hypothetical wolves were DIRE wolves.

What about BLATZ? Too midwestern? Gotta mention this one when you talk about CHEAP beer.

Some of us only fear left sharks.

Someone needs to add a little “BOOP!” when TV Teddy gets personal with that foul call.

I wouldn’t be surprised if he thought the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor because of that one time he caught Animal House on cable.

He’s played for so many teams his bio should have him wearing a white hat with a question mark on it.

Why can’t this happen to TV Teddy Valentine?

Why am I surprised he doesn’t go by “Jimbo?” Trying to monetize racism sounds like something a Jimbo would try.

The Taconic was a lot more fun in the early ‘80s when it was narrower, windier, and filled with kamikaze drivers. Especially in winter when it was pitch black at rush hour and everyone was doing 90+ mph in cars masquerading as boats.

Something tells me these were big sellers again this year.

Another one of my favorites- Rey pulls the light saber from Snoke’s chair in a mirror of RoTJ, and Snoke makes it fly AROUND her and smack her in the head before returning it back to his side.

Us science types in the real world aren’t worried (though concerned, defintely). Ban any group of nouns you want, we have literally thousands of alternative nouns and scientific phrases to describe the same thing. And if IQ45 and his team of “dudes who fell asleep in the back of the class” can’t understand the

From an administration that was successful precisely because of emails, this ought to be FUN.

Seriously, why didn’t ND take a time out? That’s just boneheaded forcing #5 to throw up the ugliest rushed unnecessary 3-point attempt I’ve ever seen.

Easiest sting operation- publicize a fake location with a fake headstone and install cameras all around it. When someone goes and f*cks with it, LOCK THEM UP.

Someone give that dude a contract. Get the Hawks out of the cellar.

Only in Trump’s America can someone get thrown out of the White House and immediately get guaranteed-for-life conservative bona fides and a laminated ticket on the Republican media crazy train.

Oh, c’mon. You KNOW what aliens will find in human’s remains. A goddamned AOL CD.