
Make a decent quality car at a genuinely affordable price, with a paint option that includes yellow.

I never thought much about it, and the  article kept me on the fence, but reading some of the comments... That convinced me these are a good thing and need to be rolled out across the country. Especially in some of our more scenic places.

Of course he didn’t, gotta limit that corporate liability. If a whistleblower reports it, then the liability increases when they ignore it. Which they will, because there is a fiscal reason to do whatever they are whistleblowing on. Meet a whistleblower in person, and you’ve not only increased the scope of corporate

That is how it works, so the managers know which “disloyal” voice to fire. It is never about fixing errors, it is about silencing those who point errors out. 

If anyone wants a more modern analogy, he was the JK Rowling of his era. One minute a beloved celeb, one heinous act later, a monster that nobody wanted to admit having ever liked.

It was super close, those things don’t exactly turn on a dime. They take a few seconds to respond and redirect their movement. As has been pointed out, they were six seconds from impact, so this was pretty much the last second possible to initiate corrective action and have enough time for it to respond before impact.

Well they did better in that situation than Air France Flight 447's crew did. Small mercies. 

I mean, if this is your way of asking me on a sex-date then your technique needs work. On the other hand, I’m not necessarily saying no; because it has been a while.

Slow day?

That is what happens when you buy cars that are more software than they are hardware. Beware purchasing any car from what the owner says is basically a software company.

Electrical gremlins and a non functioning ac unit that the seller can’t manage to repair before selling?

IIRC the version I heard is that if you hang back, and a truck behind you fails to stop or is slow to stop, you can pull forward and “save” yourself without going out into the junction. I mean, you can see all the flaws in that, but that was what my grandma used to say.

Pull all the way forward, to the lights and to the car in front, and try and stagger your cars to the lane next to you to fill gaps at the side, or some motherfucking cyclist will try and filter in front of you just to fuck around when you try to pull away at green.

You know what, I’d take a tree right now.

They should have know the about the problem with the ass wipe, he owns the company.

I completely agree. Dealers should be able to actually work on the cars they are selling. They should be at least basically competent on all the brands and models of the company they signed up with. That ought to be an entry level expectation of a dealer contract.

Elon lied? The lying liar who lies, lied? I’m shocked, so shocked.

That’s fine, I use Firefox anyway.

We’re bringing everything from the eighties back, the Cold War, an unending pandemic, right wing conservative religious nutjobs in power, and now the destruction of the ozone layers.