He didn’t use the word “Trump” once, didn’t include photos of Donnie looking heroic, and never once mentioned how huge his hands are. No way Don the Con read it or had Ivanka read it to him.
He didn’t use the word “Trump” once, didn’t include photos of Donnie looking heroic, and never once mentioned how huge his hands are. No way Don the Con read it or had Ivanka read it to him.
For Trump to read this it would have to be divided into 20 different Twitter messages. Couldn’t he have just sent him a Snapchat video?
It’s too bad that you’re missing Lynch’s masterpiece.
I’m sorry you don’t like it. A lot of us think it’s just great. Not every episode is amazing by my metric, but the overall ride has been fantastic.
You mean, aside from promoting the comedian defending him?
Duh. The AV Club is home to everyone who likes to complain about The AV Club. If the other sites get caught in the crossfire, it’s their fault for not getting out of the way.
Hey, I may be ugly and hate-filled, but I... um, what was that third thing you said?
I think the problem people have with Fieri stems from both our embarrassment at the fashion trends of the 90s and America’s anxiety over how the rest of the world perceives us as uncultured, unrefined slobs. Even though one can pull back and examine the reasoning behind it, it is somewhat irrational. If I saw someone…
Oh let’s be fair, Sucker Punch couldn’t manage to be about anything at all
Asking Trey Parker to be self-aware is like asking a horse to ride a skateboard. Neither will succeed and you’ll feel embarrassed for watching.
I’m not defending Ready Player One, but isn’t South Park chalk full of pop culture references, especially ones from the past? But I guess its ok for Trey and Matt because “they don’t fuckin care about anything and caring is dumb lul”.
I think the fundamental flaw of Jim Halpert is that they don’t let him grow up. I mean they do, but...early seasons he’s a flawed guy. He’s an underachiever not living up to his potential. He’s a bit of a dick to his annoying coworker.
Wow. The show must’ve gotten a lot more graphic after I stopped watching.
I really think Jim was a flawed character from the get-go, which made him and the show interesting, different and great, but then the writers seemed to want Jim to be a sort of all around good guy without changing the flaws, making him seem kind of dickish. Him dating Karen while still in love with Pam is a very…
I’ve only watched The Office once through but I always thought that Jim becomes pretty dickish in the later seasons. The episodes where Idris Elba is the new boss and calls him on his antics come to mind.
I am the King of the Peppercorn! Any motherfucker wants some Peppercorn, they come to me!
I swear I watched this on Cinemax in 1988 and thought it was boring, boring, boring, then suddenly interesting, interesting, VERY interesting and then I quickly lost all interest.
Tulip fever is what they call an STD in the Netherlands.
I hope he at least got to keep his red stapler.