
Oh yeah, the Seattle favorite. It’s where they invented it.

I miss teriyaki restaurants so much. I’ve only been able to find anemic, almost sauce-less versions of chicken teriyaki at, as you say, sushi or izakaya joints. Lightly sauced teriyaki is probably more “authentic” for all I know, but it doesn’t come close to my platonic ideal. Way too pricey as well. I miss being able

Special shout out to Teriyaki 1st on 55th and University. I miss you as much as I miss anything from Seattle. You saved my life during many hungover mornings

What’s your favourite Beatles album?

Looking forward to the spin-off series featuring Jonah Ryan as the new
President of The United States. Possible titles include:

Also it was terrible

“In Finland we call it the fever of the sausage”

I think this show has been as funny as it has always been. The difference in watching last season, we now know its not humorous at all having clowns in the White House....instead of stinging, it burns.

Honestly? Good. It’s been running on fumes since Iannucci left. Still funny one-liners and great acting all around but there has been almost no real plot for a couple years.

“What Happened” would have been a great title for a biography of the guy who played Rerun.

It’s actually the fault of Baby-boomers refusing to give up their power. This election was a generational step backwards from Generation X, back to the Baby-boomers. And they’re so old now and desperate to hold onto their power, that they elected the actual avatar of their Me-Generation. When it was all said and done,

Is there data on how many Hillary supporters in 2008 broke for John McCain instead of Obama?

Ah ha, it was Bernie’s fault. Stupid Sanders started calling Hillary Clinton crooked. Otherwise Trump probably would have spent months talking about her in measured tones, mentioning the nuanced way she was forced to balance the interests of her constituents with the realities of financing a campaign. He basically

call me crazy, but i think the Democractic party would be wise to cease any and all finger-pointing/blaming/mud-slinging until AFTER the 2020 election.
just sayin.

Lavid Dynch


I knew I got lucky when I saw Kyle MacLachlan and Sheryl Lee appear (neither of them had been spotted filming previously in Washington State and the Washington shoot was nearly complete) but I didn’t realize how lucky I was!

For me, I think what character moments there were in The Return hit much harder than most moments in seasons 1 and 2; they felt much more sincere and serious than the soap-opera trappings of the original run (aside from the grief surrounding Laura, which has always felt very real to me, which is the reason I prefer